OPEN CALL: PARCUM and the Park Abbey in Leuven Seek Curator

For autumn 2026, the Park Abbey and PARCUM are working on the realisation of a contemporary art exhibition. To flesh out the content of this exhibition, the partners are looking for a curator. Individuals as well as teams and collectives can apply. The art event will run from the end of October 2026 to the end of March 2027.

Exhibition format

The Park Abbey is one of the best-preserved historical heritage sites in Western Europe. In 2011, the non-profit organisation Abdij van ‘t Park gave its entire domain and property on a long term ground lease to the city of Leuven with the express wish to restore, valorise and sustainably repurpose it. The final restoration phase will be completed in 2026. To put the Park Abbey on the map as a top international contemporary destination, a major contemporary art event will be realised in the autumn of 2026.

The exhibition aims to explore the Park Abbeys soul (genius loci) and its significance for the 21st century. The exhibition puts research first, with a special focus on the meaning-making, contextualisation and (re)valuation of this ancient place. What value and meaning do we ascribe to it and what do we want to pass on to future generations? At the same time, this contemporary art exhibition can appeal to a wide and diverse audience.

The art trail enters into a dialogue with the site and uses the interior and exterior framework of the abbey. Existing and new work alternate.

Museum PARCUM, Park Abbey Leuven

The Park Abbey is a heritage site with a story. It is a unique and special place in Leuven, where heritage and vibrant activity meet flawlessly. Centuries-old traditions are rooted in the here and now – hence our motto: tradition in renewal, renewal in tradition. By combining respect for the past with an eye for a sustainable future, the Park Abbey, 900 years after its foundation, is still an inspiring place.

Museum PARCUM unlocks the authentic heritage of the Park Abbey and engages with religious heritage in its own and unique way. We see this heritage as a lever to address current issues and challenges.

As a brave space, museum PARCUM looks for new ways to shape the dialogue on religion, culture and society. The museum welcomes different points of view and does not shy away from mutual tensions. The museum facilitates and creates time and space to learn, meet other people, share ideas, debate and disagree. This approach encourages involvement and mutual understanding among visitors. When developing exhibitions and activities, the museum pays special attention to giving meaning, contextualising and (re)valuing religious heritage. |

Main objectives

  • Enrich, recalibrate and broaden the perspective, view and experience of the the Park Abbey.
  • Explore what the contemporary role and multiple meanings of a place like the Park Abbey can be for people today.
  • The exhibition is an important momentum for the Park Abbey and PARCUM, and has a lasting impact.
  • Exploring how we can formulate answers to social questions and trends of today and tomorrow, linked to the soul of the place (e.g. other forms of society, need for stillness, search for meaning, radicalisation, loneliness, etc.).
  • Making visitors (re)discover the restored site, spaces never previously shown, new volumes and green areas in and around the abbey.
  • Target of 25,000 visitors for the duration of the exhibition.

Role of the curator

The curator sets out the artistic vision and substantive storylines (central question, (sub)themes, research, etc.). In consultation and according to the available budgets, a ratio of work to be created in situ and exhibiting existing work is determined. Building on the artistic vision and within the budgetary framework, the curator determines the final selection of artists and locations. The curator is also responsible for mediating with artists and galleries. With the artistic committee, the curator has a sounding board group to review their proposals.

The exhibition will also be accompanied by a publication. The concept of this is designed in consultation with the curator and the artistic committee. The curator is responsible for its content, writing their own texts and suggesting possible co-authors. The coordination and production will be taken up by the team of PARCUM and the Park Abbey.

Profile of the curator

Given the international ambition of the project, we envision the following profile for the curator:

  • At least 5 years of curatorial experience.
  • Experience with large-scale art events.
  • Demonstrated experience with art in public spaces and contemporary art integration in heritage sites is a plus.
  • A connection with (religious) heritage (tangible, intangible and immovable) and the ability to place it within social issues and challenges.
  • Open call curator 2026
  • An extensive international network within the contemporary arts sector.
  • Someone who has an eye for the carrying capacity of the site and the precarious balance of the place (partners on the site, protected status (immovable heritage, natural domain, fragility of the entire site, etc.).
  • Wants to fully immerse itself in the soul of the place through prospecting and exploration the site.
  • Be able to meet physically at regular intervals in the abbey in Leuven, with the project team and the artistic committee.


  • An ambitious international exhibition, with support from the team of PARCUM and the Park Abbey (production, communication, education, …).
  • Feedback from the artistic committee.
  • Support in the preparatory research by the museum team of PARCUM and the Park Abbey.
  • An allowance of €35,000 (incl. VAT) for the coordination and realisation of the assignment and up to €5,000 (incl. VAT) for travel and accommodation costs.
  • An operating budget of €300,000 (incl. VAT). This budget includes the fees for participating artists, production budget creation assignments (materials, working hours, etc.), transport costs and accommodation costs for artists. Other costs such as scenography, public texts, translations and cultural programme fall outside this budget. A budget of €40,000 (incl. VAT) is provided for the publication.


The exhibition is programmed to run from the end of October 2026 to the end of March 2027.

This assignment starts in the autumn of 2024 and runs until the end of the exhibition. In consultation with PARCUM and the Park Abbey, several consultation moments are scheduled during the preparation phase. In the run up to and during the exhibition, we also expect the availability of the curator for (press) tours, interviews, lectures, …


We work with a pre-selection. All applications should send the following elements:

  • CV and portfolio with references of the curator(s), demonstrable experience and network.
  • Motivation memo and first reflection on the exhibition (max. 1 A4).

Applications must be submitted by August 15, 2024 at the latest via

Submissions will be assessed by a jury composed of members of the artistic committee and internal staff. Only complete dossiers will be considered.

Applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Motivation and affinity with the content of the exhibition.
  • Proven experience in putting together contemporary art exhibitions and complex projects.

Three applications will be selected from the pre-selection. You will be informed by August 30, 2024 at the latest whether or not you have been selected. The selected candidates will have until September 20, 2024 to prepare a concept note. The presentation of the concept note will take place during the last week of September. The selected candidates will receive a compensation of €1,000 (incl. VAT) for the elaboration and presentation of their concept.

More information?

For more information on the set up of the exhibition, please contact Wouter Jaspers, museum coordinator ( or 0476 35 08 41) or Koen Adams, programme coordinator of the Park Abbey ( or 0475 77 55 61).