REVIEW:Claire Morgan
The exhibition “A tentative strategy for a renewal, or, wanting to tell you everything and then changing my mind” unveils Claire Morgan’s most recent work, including two new large-scale installations is a breath of fresh air. Making a tour through her works and installations, the visitor can feel the same euphoria and mental uplift that he feels in nature, this equitation is possible because the artist through her work touches in the most sensitive way, the burning theme of nature and the man-made disasters. The artist deals with the climate change and its direct impact on animals, but in a way so simple, positive and immediate that you have the feeling that there is still hope. Her artworks are monumental and they encapsulate us, for that reason they can affect us directly and positively. The exhibition is really is a big breath of fresh air! -Efi Michalarou
Photo: Exhibition view: Claire Morgan, A tentative strategy for a renewal, or, wanting to tell you everything and then changing my mind, Galerie Karsten Greve-Paris, 16/10/21-15/1/2022, Photo © & Courtesy Dimitris Lempesis
Info: Galerie Karsten Greve, 5 rue Debelleyme, Paris, France, Duration: 16/10/21-15/1/2022, Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 10:00-19:00,