BOOK:La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions

La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi EditionsIn recent years, more and more contemporary artists, mainly women, are dealing with the practices of the past, but with a new and contemporary approach. In my personal journey on the subject and my personal exploration for my project-work in progress “Weaving the Future”, I discovered the book “La dentelle dans l’art contemporain” from  Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions. In the book are presented 31 female artists and one male artist, who create of contemporary artworks inspired by the lace, which sometimes contains it visually and sometimes implies it through the most unexpected and unpredictable means of expression. These artworks certainly escape from all the images we knew so far that that for some were kits, for others naive and for others were simply outdated(!) This book is an oasis, both for the contemporary artist or the scholar, that can lead him to new paths that are not only very interesting but can reveal new horizons. –Efi Michalarou

La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions



La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions
La Dentelle, Un Dimanche Après-midi Editions