VIDEO:Weaving the Future II (Larissa)-Margarita Petrova

Weaving the Future II (Larissa) Margarita PetrovaMargarita Petrova either embroiders or collects materials such as lace, fabrics, threads, buttons and adapts them to her artworks, whether they are pure embroidery or performance, like the veil she creates with Penelope’s Web team, of which she is the inspirer, or incorporating them in grandma’s old cupboards. All the above items and another variety of materials, act as memory sacristies. This work, entitled “The West and the others, – culturally – strongly contains the concept of self-determination. The female self-disposition, of the woman which was limited to the space of the house, the home, the familiar and within this narrow context it was permissible to develop her art, which was embroidery.

Info: Curator: Efi Michalarou, Larissa Municipal Gallery-G.I. Museum Katsigra, G. Papandreou 2, Larissa, Greece, Duration: 24/6-31/10/2021, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-14:00 & 18:00-21:00,

Weaving the Future II (Larissa), Margarita Petrova , © & Courtesy Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras Museum