VIDEO:Weaving the Future II (Larissa)-Maria Lagou

maria lagouAn installation that interactς with the place and the space, created by Maria Lagou, using as means of expression  (just like the Arte Povera artists), wood, sheep wool, objects that are some are visible and others that are hidden, to weave an inner dialogue, with the conscious and the subconscious, the dreams and the nightmares, projecting and popping up on their own alternative screen made of soft plastic film, an expressive media that characterizes and runs through her whole work. While the music, created for the specific work, forces the spectator who explores her artwork to enter in his inner thoughts and paths…

Info: Curator: Efi Michalarou, Larissa Municipal Gallery-G.I. Museum Katsigra, G. Papandreou 2, Larissa, Greece, Duration: 24/6-31/10/2021, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-14:00 & 18:00-21:00,

Weaving the Future II (Larissa), Maria Lagou, © & Courtesy Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras Museum