VIDEO:Weaving the Future II (Larissa)-Betty Zeva

Waving The Future II (Larissa), Betty Zeva, © & Courtesy Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras MuseumBetty Zeva, through her installation and photos with wedding wreaths from flowers, traditionally made in Greece from Asiela, a flower that when dried  becomes white, gains purity through death… The artist freezes time through the photos of her installation in the German Bunker in Adamas, Milos Island a scribe homage to the dynamics of female nature and how it evolved in hard times, not so much of marriage or family, but of the Second World War. Talking to the last remaining old women of the area and answering to her reasonable question, “What did you do during WWII?”, they responded with a disarming naturalness “We got engaged, we got married, we had children, we worked and life went on, my child”. A life that includes hard manual labor as a means of survival, but also of economic development of the family, with the woman as its main axis.

Info: Curator: Efi Michalarou, Larissa Municipal Gallery-G.I. Museum Katsigra, G. Papandreou 2, Larissa, Greece, Duration: 24/6-31/10/2021, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-14:00 & 18:00-21:00,

Waving The Future II (Larissa), Betty Zeva, © & Courtesy Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras Museum