VIDEO:Weaving the Future II (Larissa)-Martha Dimitropoulou

2021-09-30_12-09-53Historically and sociologically, the most characteristic object connected with women’s work and production in home, is carpet and rug making, through successive processes: wool processing, design, weaving, loom. With her carpet, Martha Dimitropoulou, connects us with tradition and economy, but at the same time she introduces us the use of pine needles -the main component of her work- with contemporary art, economy of nature and its management, as the most valuable. For that reason, plexiglass, in her own case, functions not as an element of separation, but of protection for the sensitivity and fragility of nature and especially the feminine.

Info: Curator: Efi Michalarou, Larissa Municipal Gallery-G.I. Museum Katsigra, G. Papandreou 2, Larissa, Greece, Duration: 24/6-31/10/2021, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-14:00 & 18:00-21:00,

Waving The Future II, Martha Dimitropoulou, © & Courtesy Municipal Art Gallery of Larissa G.I. Katsigras Museum