PRESENTATION: Weaving the Future III (Shkodër), Part III

Maro Fasouli, Untitled, 2020, Cloth, fabric, spray, pastel, thread, cane, 228 Χ 294 cm, © Maro Fasouli, Courtesy the artistThe group exhibition “Weaving the Future Part III”, that is on view at the Galeria e Arteve Shkodër in Shkodra, Albania is organized by the dreamideamachine AMKE. The series of the exhibition “’Weaving the Future” (2019-ongoing) is a project-work in progress based in the concept of the Art Critic and Curator, Efi Michalrou and focuses on feminine nature and creativity. This presentation will be I three parts, focusing in the work of each artist separately (Part I, Part II)

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Archive of the Artists & Dimitris Lempesis

Before the women’s movement in the 60’s and 70’s, most women’s art was denied the title “fine art” because the techniques they used and the work they created was marginalized and devalued by the male-dominated art world. A hierarchy of the arts developed and was maintained by a common opinion that these decorative forms are less intellectually involved and serve only domestic and aesthetic needs. The 35 women artist that participate in “Weaving the Future III”, are using different means of expression such as: painting, sculpture, installations, photography, video and performance, denaturing traditional methods and techniques such as: embroidery, loom, knitting, sewing, wool, canvas, yarn and fabric, with a new way, mutating and transforming them into contemporary sculptures, paintings and installations. The noticeable characteristic of the project is that functions as a living laboratory of constantly evolving ideas. “Weaving the Future” started on June 2021 in Athens with the participation of 20 women artists, then “Weaving The Future II” is on presentation at unicipal Gallery-G.I. Katsigras Museum in Larissa that will be on view till October 31, 2021, renewed and enriched with new works by 29 artists. Now “Weaving the Future” travels to the Galeria e Arteve Shkodër in Shkodra, in parallel with the exhibition in Larissa, with artworks by 35 female artists that coexist harmoniously with each other and with the space, integrated in a new very interesting dialogue with the viewer.

Maro Fasouli in “Untitled” (2020) deconstructs traditional textiles, and with the use of modern materials reconstructs them, creating new booty of a female dynamic that has deep roots in the past, but emerges in the present with a new face, through conquests and victories of centuries. These victories are the result of the manual labor that has been transformed into art and occupies the position that really corresponds to it. In Which Side Are You On?-Fence 1”, Artemis Potamianou knits with threads on a metal fence the phrase “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness”, an aphorism by Alejandro Jodorowsky. The artwork is the continuation of the series “which side are you on?”, a caustic comment on the conditions that can be either a condition of protection or imprisonment, showing the need of every human being to determine his own destiny and place in the world. Katerina Ribatsiou is knitting using traditional materials and means. In popular tradition, the designs pre-exist. The creator tries to reproduce them faithfully and not to change them. But here the question is different. The work is created as much as possible, automatically and freely, without restrictions. Seeking the artist to live a new adventure, liberating, unconscious, endless …

Ifigenia Sdoukou’s “Sleep” is an embroidered cotton nightdress, so high that it reaches the sky, so low that it sinks into the water… Describes the process of sleep, here an ancient motif was used, a strong archetype that of the mermaid, Could it be the mermaid’s song? Maybe… Through a video and a video still, Fani Sofologi presents her 3-hour long performance ‘’The Painting, 2001’’, that was presented at the exhibition “One-night exhibition –37-58°Β/23-43°Α” organized by Filopappou Group at the old quarry of Filopappou Hill, Athens. As the artist says “I placed myself ‘behind’ a golden picture frame and I transformed to an ‘Embroidering Woman” I removed from the picture the scenery that existed around me, since it belongs to the sphere of the experience, that is to the spectator who voluntarily rejects it. The woman, isolated from the surrounding environment, look at a second frame, on a canvas-needlework, where she is embroidering her idol. Her act is projected in a tv screen that is next to the frame”. Theodora Tsiatsiou’s “Representation no 47” consists of a remnant of a Industrial carpet on which figurines-symbols are placed, intricated with various weaving techniques. It depicts a scene that narrates an established ideological “mechanism” of a society with a macho identity. Historically, symbols in primitive and contemporary societies have gained great power, influencing human behavior and recalling the attempt to manipulate and tame women who react to the macho-structured society and claim a more active role.

For her work “War & Peace”, Eleftheria Stoikou says “How does a human become a wolf-like beast on the battlefield? Words like war / cause / ρεασον / preach / start / carry out / individualism / equip / killed / curse / army / victory / prevent / law / economic stop / fight, / prisoner / fight / weapons / competition / get rich / power / self-denial / controversy / people / end / lose / classes / lawlessness / cry / winner / panic / ambition / defense / wealth / religion / defeat / hug / lullaby / life / peace; do they weave the History?”. Efi Fouriki’s “Mémoire fraiche II” is a snapshot  from her installation in a lightbox entitled “Mémoire fraîche / Δροσερή  μνήμη”, in this work a white embroidered apron hanging on a rope is moving gently, joining the past with the present, through a series of light reflections on the face of the box. It is a “fress” moment that depicts a child as observes the work and wishes to touch it and communicate with it. It was chosen for the exhibition “Waving The Future III” because for the artist children are the bright future. In her works Dimitra Chanioti is using the ephemeral paper of newspapers and magazzines to capture symbolic images and concepts, large and universal, reconstructing a new universe through the symbolic depiction of the dipoles ephemeral and permanent, insignificant and important. Thalia Chioti’s entire body of work runs through the knitted sweaters that she represents in the video “Auto Reserve” with her “soft sculptures” joined exactly as the human figures are joined, with a repetitive, mechanistic, obsessive and almost meditative movement.

Participating Artists: Artemis Alcalay, Annita Argiroiliopoulou, Ada Anastasea, Evangelia Basdekis, Vicky Betsou, Dimitra Chanioti, Thalia Chioti, Martha Dimitropoulou, Maro Fasouli, Efi Fouriki, Penny Geka, Kristi Grigoriou, Aikaterini Kanakaki, Marigo Kassi, Maria-Marika Koenig, Eleni Kotsoni, Beskida Kraja, Evdokia Kyrkou, Maria Lagou, Maro Michalakakos, Ioanna Myrka, Penelope’s Web, Margarita Petrova, Spiridoula Politi, Artemis Potamianou, Katerina Ribatsiou, Ifigenia Sdoukou, Fani Sofologi, Eleftheria Stoikou, Theodora Tsiatsiou, Vicky Vassiliou, Grigoria Vryttia, Betty Zerva, Maria Zygomala, Mary Zygouri.

The exhibition is held with the Support of the Greek Ministry of Culture & Sports

Photo: Maro Fasouli, Untitled, 2020, Cloth, fabric, spray, pastel, thread, cane, 228 Χ 294 cm, © Maro Fasouli, Courtesy the artist

Info: Curator: Efi Michalarou, Assistant Curator: Beskida Kraja, Galeria e Arteve Shkodër, Rruga Selaudin Bekteshi, Nd.12, H.8, Ap.1, 4001, Shkodra, Albania, Duration: Duration: 3-27/9/2021, Days & Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-15:00, Sat 9:00-13:00,

Artemis Potamianou, Which Side Are You On?-Fence 1, 2021, Metal fence, twine, 150 x 580 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © Artemis Potamianou, Courtesy the artist
Artemis Potamianou, Which Side Are You On?-Fence 1, 2021, Metal fence, twine, 150 x 580 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © Artemis Potamianou, Courtesy the artist



Left: Katerina Ribatsiou, Another space, Knitware, cotton yarn, 240 x 270 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © Katerina Ribatsiou, Courtesy the artist  Right: Ifigenia Sdoukou, Sleep, 2016, embroidered cotton nightdress, 220 x 60 cm, © & Courtesy the artist
Left: Katerina Ribatsiou, Another space, Knitware, cotton yarn, 240 x 270 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © Katerina Ribatsiou, Courtesy the artist
Right: Ifigenia Sdoukou, Sleep, 2016, embroidered cotton nightdress, 220 x 60 cm, © & Courtesy the artist



Fani Sofologi, The Painting, 2001, Video Still from performance, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © & Courtesy the artist
Fani Sofologi, The Painting, 2001, Video Still from performance, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © & Courtesy the artist



Left: Eleftheria Stoikou, War & Peace, 2021, Artistic intervention with thread, in the book “War and Peace” (1863 by Leon Tolstoy, © & Courtesy the artist  Right: Efi Fouriki, Mémoire fraiche II, 2015,  color photograph, 48,2 X 61,5 cm, © & Courtesy the artist
Left: Eleftheria Stoikou, War & Peace, 2021, Artistic intervention with thread, in the book “War and Peace” (1863 by Leon Tolstoy, © & Courtesy the artist
Right: Efi Fouriki, Mémoire fraiche II, 2015, color photograph, 48,2 X 61,5 cm, © & Courtesy the artist



Eleftheria Stoikou, War & Peace, 2021, Artistic intervention with thread, in the book “War and Peace” (1863 by Leon Tolstoy, © & Courtesy the artist
Eleftheria Stoikou, War & Peace, 2021, Artistic intervention with thread, in the book “War and Peace” (1863 by Leon Tolstoy, © & Courtesy the artist



Theodora Tsiatsiou, Representation no 47, 2021, Industrial carpet, ceramic, rope, yarn, 190  X 90 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © & Courtesy the artist
Theodora Tsiatsiou, Representation no 47, 2021, Industrial carpet, ceramic, rope, yarn, 190 X 90 cm, Photo: Dimitris Lempesis, © & Courtesy the artist


Dimitra Chanioti, Happines, Mixed media, embroidery on paper,  diameter 220 cm, © & Courtesy the artist
Dimitra Chanioti, Happines, Mixed media, embroidery on paper, diameter 220 cm, © & Courtesy the artist



Thalia Chioti Auto Reserve, 1999, Video, duration 0:59’, © & Courtesy the artist
Thalia Chioti Auto Reserve, 1999, Video, duration 0:59’, © & Courtesy the artist