ART CITIES:Berlin-Marc Padeu

Marc Padeu, Nuit étoilée, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 280 cm (79 x 110 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres ProjectsMarc Padeu’s work questions the memory of the past and the relation to the spiritual in current African societies. He admits to being challenged by the impact of the violence of terrorism on the current society as well as by the contemporary representation of the legacy of the triangular trade.

By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Peres Projects Archive

The paintings that make up Marc Padeu’s solo exhibition “The world is Ours” revolve around family life. These cinematic canvases are full of motion: a whirring fan; a plate being filled; a shoulder heaving from a sob. Intimate and energetic moments held as motion in time. These works are studies of time, reflecting on the passing of life, from birth to death implicated by the subjects of the paintings. To render these moments of tenderness, Padeu deploys classical compositions – pyramidic as well as dynamic structures, reminiscent of both Renaissance and Baroque art histories. Immersing the viewer, by offering them access to a form of visual and spiritual ecstasy, the artist evokes the experiences of awe achieved in the religious imagery of those crowded arrangements. Drawing from a vibrant palette, his paintings are dense and intricate, allowing many opportunities for the viewer’s eye to catch on. The traditional composition emphasizes the holiness of ordinary moments, and Padeu’s brush lends a type of visual decadence to the banal. Family dinners or an evening on the couch become suffused emotional landscapes, the joy and grief tangible. Padeu’s interest in history connects these art historical narratives with those of domestic life in contemporary Cameroon. His work reflects how traditions of European religious painting are so embedded in our culture, allowing for moments of easy associations and connection, and continued resonance in how we look at the world today. The works presented in the exhibition  removes scale, being personal yet speaking to universal experiences. Padeu creates a world that he generously shares.

Photo: Marc Padeu, Nuit étoilée, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 280 cm (79 x 110 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects

Info: Peres Projects, Karl-Marx-Allee 82, Berlin, Germany, Duration: 12/7-6/8/2021, Days & Hours: Mon-Fri 11:00-18:00,

Marc Padeu, Étude pour un rendez-vous 3, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects
Marc Padeu, Étude pour un rendez-vous 3, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects



Marc Padeu, the world is Ours, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects
Marc Padeu, the world is Ours, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects



Marc Padeu, Étude pour un rendez-vous 1, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects
Marc Padeu, Étude pour un rendez-vous 1, 2021, Acrylic on canvas, 220 x 200 cm (87 x 79 in), © Marc Padeu, Courtesy the artist and Peres Projects