OPEN CALL:Sensation

12002869_1628653604084965_8408750821307861491_nSensation is an online course for artists to learn about non-human sensory experiences. It will take place over 2 weeks on line in November of 2021. The program will offer daily video chats with research scientists, naturalists and artists around the world on topics that focus on what it’s like to be a non-human organism, one tethered international field trip in a location of your choice and many short one-on-one meetings with artists who make art related to sensory perception and communication. Built in to the 2 – 2.5 hours of daily programming are discussions, recommended assignments and show and tell.

Artist talk: We invite you to give a private artist talk to share your work with the group.

Botanical Sensory Perception and Plant Intelligence with the International Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology at the University of Florence

Mycorrhizal Relationships and Plant/ Fungi Signaling with Kew Gardens

Ultrasonic Insect Communication

What it’s like to be a Bat: Echolocation and Night Vision

Migratory Bird Navigation with Cornell University

Sensory Studies in Contemporary Art

Bird Song and Deep Listening

Sensory Prosthetics

Physics of Human Speech and Hearing with the Sound Patterns Laboratory

Duration of residency

2 weeks


On line

Disciplines, work equipment and assistance

Seminars with international science researchers

Fees and support

Cost  $550 USD

Expectations towards the artist


Application deadline¨2021-07-30

Application information

How to apply
Send the following material to
1. Artist CV
2. Artist statement (about 200 words)
3. Ayatana form
4. Portfolio 5 – 10 examples of your work