BOOK:Matteo Boetti-Omi Kawuki Asmo’ Piaos But…, Tornabuoni Arte

Matteo Boetti Omi Kawuki Asmo’ Piaos But…, Tornabuoni ArteMatteo Boetti narrates a journey through his fondest memories. Fifty poems interwoven with contributions, texts and quotes by artists and writers who worked and collaborated with Alighiero and Matteo Boetti. Accompanied by a series of unpublished pictures, each poem describes the relationship between the author and his famous father, today acknowledged as one of the most remarkable artists and pioneering figures of the Italian Contemporary art. Similar to a journal, the book “Omi Kawuki Asmo’ Piaos But – My fighting Sparrow Was Called Onion” by Tornabuoni Arte is made of the author’s memories that are embodied by his poems, his texts and his interviews carried out whilst working as a gallerist and curator. A journey into memories belonging to a past that seems distant to Matteo but is actually always by his side. Despite being a homage to the figure of Alighiero Boetti, the book reveals an unforeseen and intimate portrait of one of the most charming protagonists of Italian art.-Dimitris Lempesis