Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Work in progress, wetland soil 3D scan, 2020. Image Courtesy of the artistWhile the artworks that have influenced me last year and are patiently waiting in my archive to retrieve them and talk about are quite a few, however a new project, an image familiar and unfamiliar at the same time from Jakob Kudsk Steensen’s  work in progress, without realizing it, emerged to the surface creating a series of concerns, questions, metaphysical and practical fears for the future of man and mankind through the reckless exploitation of nature and the environmental problems that have been arisen. Climate change and all the consequences that will follow. While in the midle Pandemic someone would reasonably note, but now people are dying every day so this is the main issue at the moment, but if we consider that even in the moments this forced restriction, what has not really been completely banned is the movement and the exercise in nature, this shows how significant is and what is nature’s role of not only for the life, but for our whole existence. This cruel, almost frightening image, through the reflection becomes almost mythical, by reversing it can tell us the most optimistic story of humanity, it is enough to believe it and with our own small forces, which in the end if we united them, are great, to stop the catastrophe and change the end of this fairy tale  with sad end. – Efi Michalarou

Photo: Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Work in progress, wetland soil 3D scan, 2020. Image Courtesy of the artist