ART CITIES:Athens-Ioanna Myrka

Ioanna Myrka, When this is not it, 2020, © Ioanna Myrka, Courtesy the artist and F.O.B. Art ContainerIoanna Myrka was born in Athens. She has pursued postgraduate studies in the Athens University School of Fine Arts “Digital Art Forms” program. Ioanna Mirka has also studied sculpture and graphic arts. Exhibitions of her work have been held in many art galleries in Greece and in several European cities.

Photo: F.O.B. Art Container Athens

Ioanna Myrka presents the construction entitled “When this is not it”. A project that opens a great dialogue about consumerism, the environment and the future. In this presentation the artist maintains the shape of a dress by replacing the material with the cards that state the washing instructions, material information, brand, price and size. By moving it inside out, it creates a pulp of information about something that cannot be identified since it does not exist. The FOB space functions as a shop window that praises a single object, thus multiplying its value and making it valuable, albeit fictitious. A garment is characterized by its material, shape and use and is recognizable for these properties. If any of these properties change, it does not cease to be recognizable but its identity is redefined. The change in use and material make it look new, ready to eat, without actually existing, without retaining its original usefulness. Dedicated to all those people who, living and working in miserable conditions, make clothes for the super-consumer, who is tempted by the imaginary value of the object and not by the object itself.

Info: F.O.B. Art Container, 4 Iridos str., Palaio Faliro, Athens, Duration: 23-30/10/20, Days & Hours: Mon, Wed & Sat 9:00-15:00, Tue & Thu-Fri 9:00-14:00 & 17:30-21:00,