ART CITIES:New York-Group Show

Beatriz Milhazes, Os Campeões, 2001, acrylic on canvas, 158 cm × 149 cm, © Beatriz Milhazes, Courtesy the artist and Pace GalleryA group exhibition brings together leading figures from the Pace Gallery’s program of modern and contemporary artists as a means of introducing Pace to the community of East Hampton. The exhibition includes 15 artists from Pace’s roster alongside others from their orbit—spanning seminal artists who have shaped the past century of art to some of today’s most innovative voices.

By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Pace Gallery Archive

The exhibition includes new work by Nigel Cooke, Tara Donovan, Loie Hollowell, and Julian Schnabel, alongside significant early pieces and modern masterworks by John Chamberlain, Willem de Kooning, Jean Dubuffet, Adolph Gottlieb, Lee Ufan, Beatriz Milhazes, Joan Mitchell, Claes Oldenburg, and Robert Rauschenberg. Highlights from the presentation include: Beatriz Milhazes presents “Os Campeões” (2001), which was developed just prior to the artist’s inclusion in the Brazilian pavilion for the 50th Venice Biennale, and unwittingly foreshadows Milhazes’ impending success as one of the most globally renowned contemporary artists to have emerged from Brazil; A new work by Julian Schnabel, a longtime member of the Hamptons community who has continued to transform the conventions of painting on a global scale; A 1977 painting by Willem de Kooning, who worked and lived in East Hampton, which demonstrates an airier and more delicate approach to painting by the artist that contrasts sharply with the heavily worked, all-over style of his earlier canvases; A new painting by Nigel Cooke, entitled “Ithacans” (2020), which continues the artist’s recent shift towards a more performative, energetic, and abstract approach to figuration; John Chamberlain’s 2005 sculpture “Rev. E. Piscpalian Swifty” featuring vividly colored patterns massed together with others in reflective chrome in the work, composed of industrially manufactured materials; Three works by Jean Dubuffet, his 1954 sculptures “Saïmiri” and “Veillard”, as well as his 1980 painting “Prestations” that demonstrate the artist’s wide-ranging interest in the tactile possibilities of abstract art; Works from the “Compositions (Cards)” series by Tara Donovan, made with thousands of identical styrene cards, assembled within a large square or rectangular frame, creating complex optical patterns that contrast with the geometric forms of the frame.

Participating Artists: John Chamberlain, Nigel Cooke, Mary Corse, Tara Donovan, Jean Dubuffet, Adolph Gottlieb, Loie Hollowell, Willem de Kooning, Lee Ufan, Beatriz Milhazes, Joan Mitchell, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Julian Schnabel, James Turrell and Leo Villareal

Info: Pace Gallery, 68 Park Place, East Hampton, New York, Duration: 22-29/7/20,

Tara Donovan, Composition (Cards), 2017, Styrene cards and glue, 56.5 cm × 56.5 cm × 10.2 cm, © Tara Donovan, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery
Tara Donovan, Composition (Cards), 2017, Styrene cards and glue, 56.5 cm × 56.5 cm × 10.2 cm, © Tara Donovan, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery



Left: John Chamberlain, Rev. E. Piscpalian Swifty, 2005, painted and chromed steel, 228.6 cm x 73.7 cm x 53.3 cm, © John Chamberlain, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery  Right: Julian Schnabel, Untitled, 2020, Oil on found fabric, 162.6 cm × 129.5 cm × 5.1 cm, © Julian Schnabel, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery
Left: John Chamberlain, Rev. E. Piscpalian Swifty, 2005, painted and chromed steel, 228.6 cm x 73.7 cm x 53.3 cm, © John Chamberlain, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery
Right: Julian Schnabel, Untitled, 2020, Oil on found fabric, 162.6 cm × 129.5 cm × 5.1 cm, © Julian Schnabel, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery



Exhibition view, Pace Gallery- East Hampton, 2020, Courtesy Pace gallery
Exhibition view, Pace Gallery- East Hampton, 2020, Courtesy Pace Gallery