ART CITIES:Malmö-Hanni Kamaly

ART CITIES Malmö Hanni Kamaly Markings Hanni Kamaly is a research-based artist working with sculpture, video and performance in which she explores subject/object theories and ontology as it relates to borders of existence and boundaries of subjectivity. Her recent and on-going project is focused on dehumanization and representation through the diverse fields of anthropology, pop culture and post-colonialism.

By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Moderna Museet Archive

Join artist Hanni Kamaly for a performative walk and discover some of Malmö´ s public artworks in a new way! During March and October, when the Moderna Museet Malmö is closed due to a new exhibition being installed and uninstalled Hanni Kamaly brings us along on her discursive walks, all beginning and ending at the entrance of Moderna Museet Malmö. The participants experience sculptures and public spaces, and through Kamaly’s exciting research we get insight into historical connections and power relations that have not only shaped the city, but also influenced how we understand ourselves in relation to  “the Other”. The walks last for 45 minutes

Hanni Kamaly during her residency in Rupert Hanni has presented “BEAST MODE: The visual vultures of our time a lecture-performance that investigates the image of the beast and the alien by tracing its origins and the effects of the figure in relation to colonialism and immigration. The vivid and historical images of the beastly character are the subject of examination in questioning of dehumanizing methods in contemporary depictions of people of color. The presentation has incorporated science-fiction and horror films, works of art and psychology and draws upon theories by Frantz Fanon and Julia Kristeva. The connections are presented as a multi-faceted mind-map that draws the lines between the past and the now by interweaving facts with iconic imagery. Hanni has also created sculptural works during the residency. The lecture and sculptures were presented during Open Studio event in Rupert residency. In her film, BEASTMODE, the demonization of the black subject or the colonized subject is disclosed and weaved with the depiction of the beast, the alien, the nonhuman. Referencing pop culture, post-colonial studies and anthropology, the work opens up associations between science-fiction and horror movies, the perception of immigration, and the fear of proximity with the other, as fantasies to justify violence and re-establish distance. Objects of fear become subjects of violence, reflecting the duality between the creation of monsters and the creation of slaves. A new series of sculptures is presented: fragile futuristic creatures from our inner dreams blur the territories of terror and desire. Attempts of undefined identities. Clumsy mechanical spiders inhabit the exhibition space. Their bodies, assembled of metal elements, stand still – too scared to move, waiting for the light to dim.

Info: Curator: Joa Ljungberg, Moderna Museet, Ola Billgrens plats 2–4, Malmö, Dates: Fri-Sat (13-14/3) & Fri-Sat 27-28/3 CANCELLED, Fri-S(9 & 1610/) 11:30–12:15 (swe) and 13:00–13:45 (eng), Sat (10 & 17/10) 13:00–13:45 (eng) and 14:00–14:45 (swe),

Moderna Museet is following the Swedish government’s decision on the corona virus by limiting the visitor numbers at the Museum to 500 at any time. Moderna Museet is open as usual, but all events are cancelled or…postponed