TRAVELER’S DIARY:Pinacothèque de Paris-Rubens
The exhibition ‘’From Rubens to Van Dyck’’ at the Pinacothèque de Paris 2, is a tribute a tribute to the Flemish painting from the Gerstenmaier Collection, we toured the space of the exhibition in the afternoon of the opening at the press conference, we guide you through with the aid of the photographic lens, in paintings of well-known artists or not, as they emerge from setup and room lighting.
By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Dimitris Lempesis
Info: From Rubens to Van Dyck, Pinacotheque de Paris 2, 8 rue Vignon, Paris, Duration: 10/7-4/10/15, Days & Hours: Daily: 10:30-18:30, except Wed & Fri: 10:30-20:30,