BOOK:Lina Iris Viktor-A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred,Skira Editore

Lina Iris Viktor, A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred, Skira EditoreThe publication “A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred” by Skira Editore is devoted to the British-Liberian artist Lina Iris Viktor commemorating her first solo museum exhibition at NOMA in 2018. Lina Iris Viktor’s mixed media works reflect on the relationship between art, prophecy, and spiritual belief. Merging self-portraiture with opulent geometric backdrops, Viktor draws from a variety of influences such as ancient mythology, West and Central African tribal cosmologies, Aboriginal dream paintings, African textiles, astronomy and contemporary visual culture. Viktor’s series for her exhibition held at the New Orleans Museum of Art (5/10/18-6/1/19) looked to the history of the Republic of Liberia, from which her parents were forced to flee amidst civil war in the 1980s. Liberia, established in West Africa as an act of American “altruism” following the abolishment of the slave trade, exists as a place of confusion for the artist and is presented as an uneasy utopia and a cautionary tale. The nation was founded in the early 19th century by the American Colonization Society, a private society that petitioned for the abolition of slavery as well as the resettlement in West Africa of freed African Americans. Extending Viktor’s engagement with the entanglement of Liberia’s founding to the history of slavery and abolitionism in the United States prior to the Civil War, her exhibition also featured works that consider the history of slavery in the U.S. as well as the complexity of New Orleans’ own historical and cultural links to Africa.-Efi Michalarou

Lina Iris Viktor, A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred, Skira Editore
Lina Iris Viktor, A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred, Skira Editore


Lina Iris Viktor, A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred, Skira Editore
Lina Iris Viktor, A Haven. A Hell. A Dream Deferred, Skira Editore