My first thought for days, it was a tribute to the flowers in art. A historical overview from the “Sunflowers” of Van Gogh to the artificial flowers of Jeff Koons.Please allow my weakness, to the latter, although many dispute him and many others coveting his fame, I admired and I admire his work, recognizing from the past, a special spiritual affinity, maybe some truths that he expressed through interviews and private meetings. Recently, I discovered that we have birthdays on the same day, with some years of difference (!!!) and Ι realized not only the inherent affinities with people, but also how many times, the truth looks like verisimilitude and how beautified lies are imitating truths, everything is positioning subject.

However, to come back in May and flowers, the bouquet of major exhibitions starting from today with Paris Photo in L. Angeles, from where the Photo is taken, the opening of Whitney Museum and the exhibition of Luciano’s Fabro at the Marian Goodman Gallery and Richard’s Serra at David Zwinner Gallery, both in N. York, Idris Khan at Victoria Miro Gallery in London, culminating next week with the 56th Venice Biennal, which opens its gates 9/5/15 and the entire city vibrates in the rhythm of art, I think it is the spring itself.

The Palazzos of Venice, welcome artists from all over the world, not only in the context of Biennal, but also on the parallel events and exhibitions. With Maria Papadimitriou in the Greek Pavilion (We wish her Good Luck!!!), the exhibition curated by Adelina (Von Furstenberg) at the San Lazaro Island, the exhibitions at the Fondazione Prada, Palazzo Gracci, Fondazione Axel & May Vervoordt Palazzo Fortuny and so many others that are flooding the city… we will look at all, one by one during Biennal period (9/5-30/11/15). Also, the many exhibitions that run throughout the month internationally, validate me that art itself is a flower that blooms and spreads to all of us colors, scents, mental euphoria, spiritual uplift and dressage.

Good Month(!)
Efi Michalarou