ART CITIES:Bucharest-Sabina Suru

Sabina Suru, Speculative Mechanisms (Detail), 2018, Computer simulation on paperSabina Suru is an artist who works with photography as a few do. Constantly she finds new forms and the exposing differs from on space to another and from one concept to another. She explores an infinity of forms, dimensions, reflections, transparent shapes, getting new forms of perception of the reality. Exploration which is more like a game, a game she is playing continuously.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: creart Gallery Archive

Sabina Suru is a Romanian artist, based in Bucharest. Her main interests revolve around photography and the barely existent boundaries between painting and argentic photography or other alternative/old techniques. She is also interested in how the perception of another changes once the normal elements of communication and time perception are shuffled. “I officially studied Painting at the University and, unofficially spent most of my time in the photographic lab or on the drawing table, trying to bring these two fields on a common ground, where i would feel at ease and feel i deserve a good coffee at the end of the day!” Sabina Suru in her solo exhibition “Speculative Mechanisms” is speaking about many mechanisms of speculations and interpretation of the image. Image which is transformed and modified repeatedly of the succession of lenses and a different shapes who are between the image and the viewer. From the first image to the final one there are countless systems of obsessive research of the way an image can be analysed. Sabina is so positioned closer of the concept of the image trough photography.

Info: Curator: Theodor Moise, creart Gallery, Alexandru Lahovari Square no.7, Bucharest, Durstion: 8/1-10/2/19, Days & Hours: Daily 10:00-19:00,

Sabina Suru, Speculative Mechanisms, 2018, Computer simulation on paper
Sabina Suru, Speculative Mechanisms, 2018, Computer simulation on paper