ART CITIES:Vienna-Josef Strau

strauJosef Strau’s experimental artistic practice is anchored in the written word. In his installations, he contrasts fairly restrained architectural structures with often large quantities of text. Recurring formats for his linkages between text and object are pamphlets on lamps from flea markets, illuminated manuscripts, and printed and handwritten texts on posters and canvases.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Secession-Association of Visual Artists Archive

The texts themselves are marked by a typographical play with text and gaps as well as by Strau’s specific style of writing, which nimbly and playfully tracks his stream of consciousness. Oscillating between the important and the unimportant, he interweaves everyday stories of urban scenes with intimate revelations and literary motifs. Josef Strau is known for his shifting roles as gallerist, curator, writer, musician, and artist. He has written not only in most of his art productions, but also for numerous publications, catalogues, and magazines. His recent solo shows have been on display at the Renaissance Society, Chicago (2014), the Liverpool Biennale (2014), House of Gaga, Mexico City (2013, 2010) and Greene Naftali Gallery, New York (2012).

Info:”A Turtle Dreaming (…Echoes from an Encapsulated Space Exiled Sounds of Letters Requiring Symphonic Treatment)”, Curating: Annette Südbeck, Secession Association of Visual Artists, Friedrichstraße 12, Vienna, Duration: 24/4-21/6/15, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun: 10:00-18:00,