ART CITIES:N,York-Brancusi & Duchamp, The Art of Dialogue

Left: Marcel Duchamp, Femme nue aux bas noirs (Nude with Black Stockings), 1910, oil on canvas, 116 x 89 cm. Photo: Francisco Cohen, Kasmin Gallery Archive. Right: Constantin Brancusi, Léda (Leda), 1926, polished bronze, 54 x 70 x 24 cm. Edition of 5, cast in 2016 by Susse Fondeur, Paris. Photo: Chris Stach, Kasmin Gallery ArchiveConstantin Brancusi and Marcel Duchamp became friends in the 1910s. Around 1913, Duchamp abandoned painting and embarked on a completely experimental journey, when he invented the ready-made, by appropriating everyday object and pronouncing it an artwork. Aside from their conceptual differences they remained friends for decades and helped each other.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo Kasmin Gallery Archive

Together with Duchamp, Brancusi installed his first two major solo exhibitions in the United States in 1926–27 and in 1933–34. Along with their mutual friend Henri-Pierre Roché, Duchamp acted as Brancusi’s mediator since he lacked a dealer. Certain similarities can be found in work of both artists from photography and moving pictures, over eroticism and gender play, the objectness of things. They were both innovators in a constant search for new possibilities and solutions which penetrated traditional understanding of art. The exhibition “Brancusi & Duchamp: The Art of Dialogue”, explores the aesthetic dialogue between Constantin Brancusi and Marcel Duchamp. Bringing together over eighty sculptures, objects, photographs, films, and drawings from an international array of public and private collections, as well as a selection of rare archival documents, this exhibition is the first of its kind in any American museum or gallery. In addition to one original Brancusi sculpture and four posthumous casts in polished bronze, the exhibition features numerous vintage photographic prints by the sculptor of some of his most iconic creations, including “Princess X”, “Leda”, “Endless Column” and “Mademoiselle Pogany”. Composed in the confines of his Parisian studio, these images reveal a lesser-known and underappreciated aspect of Brancusi’s artistic process, in which he transformed his three-dimensional sculptures into entirely new artworks, through the theatrical play of light and shadow, as well as the constantly evolving sculptural arrangements captured in these photographs. Also on view are several artworks by Brancusi that belonged to Duchamp’s wife, Alexina, who was his friend and an admirer. While Duchamp commenced his artistic career as a painter, he quickly abandoned his brush in favor of more radical aesthetic endeavors inspired by a Duchamp’s search for answers led him to conceive the readymades, mass-produced objects that he selected and isolated from their utilitarian context in order to undermine the artist’s touch and defy the concept of taste. Several of these celebrated and highly sculptural objects, such as “In Advance of the Broken Arm” (1915/1964), “With Hidden Noise” (1916/1964), and “L.H.O.O.Q.” (1919/1964), that are on display. Other Duchamp works featured in the exhibition include his early fauvist painting “Nude with Black Stockings” (1910), “Rotoreliefs” (1935), “Box in a Valise” (1935–41), “Female Fig Leaf” (1950/1951), and his chess treatise “Opposition and Sister Squares Are Reconciled “ (1932), the cover of which he designed in collaboration with Brancusi.

Info: Curator: Paul B. Franklin, Kasmin Gallery, 515 West 27th Street, New York, Duration: 20/9-22/12/18, Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 10:00-18:00,

Left: Constantin Brancusi, Léda (Leda), 1926, polished bronze, 54 x 70 x 24 cm. Edition of 5, cast in 2016 by Susse Fondeur, Paris. Photo: Chris Stach, Kasmin Gallery Archive. Right: Marcel Duchamp, Nu descendant un escalier (Nude Descending a Staircase) (no. 2), December 1937, pochoir-colored collotype with French five-centime revenue stamp, , 35 x 20 cm. Photo: Chris Stach, Kasmin Gallery Archive
Left: Constantin Brancusi, Léda (Leda), 1926, polished bronze, 54 x 70 x 24 cm. Edition of 5, cast in 2016 by Susse Fondeur-Paris. Photo: Chris Stach, © Succession Brancusi (2018) Artist Rights Society (ARS)-New York, NY/ADAGP-Paris. Right: Marcel Duchamp, Nu descendant un escalier (Nude Descending a Staircase) (no. 2), December 1937, Pochoir-colored collotype with French five-centime revenue stamp, , 35 x 20 cm. Photo: Chris Stach, © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 2018



Left: Constantin Brancusi, Jeune Fille sophistiquée (Portrait de Nancy Cunard), 1928. Polished bronze, 54.9 x 14.9 x 21.9 cm, Edition 5, cast by Susse Fondeur, Paris in 2013, © Succession Brancusi (2018) Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/ADAGP, Paris / Right: Constantin Brancusi – Princess X, 1916. Polished bronze, 22 1/4 x 16 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches; 56.5 x 41.9 x 24.1 cm. Edition of 8, cast by Susse Fondeur, Paris in 2016. © Succession Brancusi (2018) Artist Rights Society (ARS)-New York, NY/ADAGP-Paris
Left: Constantin Brancusi, Jeune Fille sophistiquée (Portrait de Nancy Cunard), 1928. Polished bronze, 54.9 x 14.9 x 21.9 cm, Edition 5, cast by Susse Fondeur, Paris in 2013, © Succession Brancusi (2018) Artist Rights Society (ARS), New York, NY/ADAGP, Paris / Right: Constantin Brancusi – Princess X, 1916. Polished bronze, 22 1/4 x 16 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches; 56.5 x 41.9 x 24.1 cm. Edition of 8, cast by Susse Fondeur, Paris in 2016. © Succession Brancusi (2018) Artist Rights Society (ARS)-New York, NY/ADAGP-Paris



Left: Marcel Duchamp, Untitled, 1968. Collage and pencil on paper, 16.8 x 20.3 cm. © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York / Right: Marcel Duchamp, Place Card for Henri-Pierre Roché, 28 July 1917, Pen and ink on paper (recto and verso), 22.5 x 14.6 cm. © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York
Left: Marcel Duchamp, Untitled, 1968. Collage and pencil on paper, 16.8 x 20.3 cm. © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York / Right: Marcel Duchamp, Place Card for Henri-Pierre Roché, 28 July 1917, Pen and ink on paper (recto and verso), 22.5 x 14.6 cm. © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York



Marcel Duchamp, Four Chess Pieces (King, Queen, and Two Pawns) for Wall-Mounted Chessboard, ca. 1930. Red colored paper, glued to cardboard disks, 30.5 x 33 cm, framed, © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York
Marcel Duchamp, Four Chess Pieces (King, Queen, and Two Pawns) for Wall-Mounted Chessboard, ca. 1930. Red colored paper, glued to cardboard disks, 30.5 x 33 cm, framed, © Association Marcel Duchamp / ADAGP, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York 2018. Courtesy of Francis M. Naumann Fine Art-New York