ART CITIES:Tokyo-Cerith Wyn Evans
The exhibition marks Wyn Evans’ third solo presentation at Taka Ishii Gallery since his previous gallery showing four years ago, and will feature three new works created specifically for this occasion, centering upon a large mobile-shaped sound sculpture. Wyn Evans began his career as a filmmaker. He made an array of short, experimental films throughout the 1980s, which he personally referred to as sculptures.
By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Taka Ishii Gallery Archive
Since the 1990s his works have employed a variety of media such as neon, sound, mirrors, and fireworks, with their fundamental and consistent characteristic resting upon the artist’s ingenious use of citation. The citations within his works is informed by a diverse range of cultural and academic spheres in the manner of literature, philosophy, film, music, further extending to realms of astronomy and physics. Adorned with the artist’s profound intellect, melancholy, and affluent wit. The sound sculpture which will be presented in this exhibition enlists the form of a large mobile consisting of four discs. The discs are mirrored on their one side, and on the adverse are embedded with a special speaker that emits sound in a singular, focused direction, allowing it only be heard by an individual standing directly before it. The mobile appears to maintain an eloquent and meditative equipoise whilst resonating a delicate noise that entices one’s senses like a gravitational lure. From time to time the viewers are exposed to a ray of sound that drifts solely towards their ears, consequently heightening one’s awareness of transformations in spatial perception.
Info: Taka Ishii Gallery Tokyo, 1-3-2 5F Kiyosumi Koto-ku, Tokyo, Duration:20/3-18/4/15, Days & Hours:Tue-Sat 12:00-19:00,