BOOK:Nomadic Architecture,Futura Publications

Nomadic Architecture, Futura PublicationsThe bilingual book “Nomadic Architecture, Walking Trough Fragile Landscapes” contains writings by Eleni Tzirtzilaki and other collaborators and fellow travelers in a really tempting journey, as we read in the preface the actions of the Nomadic Architecture take place in public areas and in urban voids. The actions-performances move between art and architecture, having an activist character and momentarily reform the public shere trough walking, encountering, cultivating the land, the food… is really one of the finest books I have read lately. The photographs and the maps of the book are mostly b&w, but have such quality that the action of Nomadic Architecture come back to life on the absolute white of the paper, turning the reader into a project partner. The book all the actions of Nomadic Architecture, a project-work in progress,that if the reader examines their concept in depth, he will realizes that deals with issues that while it should be self-evident, ethical issues, have so much disappeared nowadays, that we need to drag them in the most simple and self-evident ways and mechanisms through art and architecture, cooperation and following the same path and finally through the man himself, not as a unit but as community that its power is of significant importance. Although it is a specialized book, it is an easy and pleasant read, because it is written in a simple and understandable language without any impressiveness, it’s writing is deeply poetic in the transfer of images, and extremely sensitive to the involvement and mobilization of the reader’s emotions, transferring the most important message that: we define our lives, we must to realize it and to swing into action as active citizens.-Efi Michalarou

Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications
Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications



Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications
Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications



Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications
Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications



Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications
Nomadic Architecture, Futura Publications