ART CITIES:N.York-Michael Buckland

Michael Buckland, Three Legged Race, 2018, Wood, metal, paper pulp, shopping bag handles, each shoe approximately 5” x 5” x 17", © Michael Buckland, Courtesy the Artist and KUSTERA PROJECTS Michael Buckland presents a broad sample of his work in his solo exhibition “SURVEY 2018” at KUSTERA  PROJECTS in New York. His work embraces  and  elevates  the  quotidian:  cardboard  boxes,  toys, movie titles, cheese slices, light bulbs and everything else you might fall over in the run of a day.  The exhibition include work on canvas and metal, video, photography, sculpture and assemblage. The  work  is primarily modest in scale and material but hanging on a larger conceptual framework, a motley  collection  of  artworks  with  the  intent  of  coalescing  into  a  coherent  whole.  Although  much  of  the  exhibition  is  humorous,  it  is  more  likely  to  produce  a  wan  smile than a guffaw.  The artist is from a country to the north of the USA somewhat known for its quiet humor. The  basic  ingredients  for  the  show  are  as  follows;  9  squares  of  paper  with  gold  leaf,  a  toilet paper video, three copies of the same record, a barber pole, two exit signs, a felt painting,  a  street  sign,  handmade  shoes,  a  wooden  platform,  numerous  “KEEP  OUT”  and  “HELP WANTED” signs, a mirrored suit case, a talk balloon, novelty stickers, mug, and t‐shirt, black curtains, hand held placards, a nice smell, a bad smell and a cardboard box.

Info: KUSTERA PROJECTS RED HOOK, 57 Wolcott Street, Brooklyn, Duration 4-31/8/18, Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 10:00-18:00,

Michael Buckland, Murder, 2017, Gold leaf on black paper, found signs, © Michael Buckland, Courtesy the Artist and KUSTERA PROJECTS
Michael Buckland, Murder, 2017, Gold leaf on black paper, found signs, © Michael Buckland, Courtesy the Artist and KUSTERA PROJECTS



Michael Buckland, Speech Pediment, 2018, Wood and paint, © Michael Buckland, Courtesy the Artist and KUSTERA PROJECTS
Michael Buckland, Speech Pediment, 2018, Wood and paint, © Michael Buckland, Courtesy the Artist and KUSTERA PROJECTS