ART CITIES:Tokyo-Daniel Arsham

Daniel Arsham, Cookie Monster Patch (Purple) [Detail], 2018, Plaster, metal, paint,  114.3 × 123.2 × 5,1 cm, Photo: Guillaume Ziccarelli, Courtesy PerrotinDaniel Arsham, founder of the Snarkitecture architectural bureau and the Films of the Future company, works at the intersection of architecture, design, sculpture, cinema, theatre and fashion. In his work, the familiar and the surreal, the architectural and the artistic, the alteration of the ancient and the re-evaluation of history are common and constant themes.

By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Perrotin Gallery Archive

Daniel Arsham for first time in Tokyo presents two concurrent solo exhibitions. The evolution of his “Fictional Archeology” series, Arsham established his signature sculptural style which employs a unique casting technique to produce objects made from earthly substances including volcanic ash, obsidian, carbon dust and rose quartz. In the exhibition “Color Shadow” that is on presentation at Perrotin Gallery, the artist groups together a series of cast sculptures made from geological materials, plaster and metal, and for the first time in bronze. Consistent with Arsham’s broader practice and his relationship to architecture, these cast works of childlike stuffed animals are placed strategically on the ground in careful relation to one another within the gallery’s exhibition space. Taking this a step further, the artist has covered the walls of the gallery from floor to ceiling so that they appear eroded and degraded, creating an atmosphere in which the entire architectural space is being engaged. Alongside these works, Arsham exhibits a new body of work introducing a renewed focus for the artist. Using original fabric patches pulled from his past of Cookie Monster, Batman, and a smiley face, Arsham has scaled these objects up in size, creating shaped wall works that uncover new information in fascinating detail.  In this new series, Arsham explores the visceral material qualities seen in his earlier pieces while taking the process a step further. “Architecture Anomalies” is on presentation at NANZUKA Gallery. As suggested by the title, the exhibition comprises a selection of Arsham’s new works based on the theme of “structures that contain phenomena which cause deviations and deflections unexplainable on grounds of scientific common sense or principles”. The exhibition centers on a series of installation works including an eroded wall, a cloth assimilating into the wall, and a piece of cloth that on its own serves to suggest a sense of physicality. Such works reflect Arasham’s interests and research on the theme of relationships between space and artwork, as well as well as between our visual perception and physical sensations.

Info: Perrotin Gallery, Piramide Building, 1F, 6-6-9 Roppongi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Duration: 23/5-30/6/18, Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 11:00-19:00, and NANZUKA, Shibuya Ibis bldg. #B2F, 2-17-3 Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Duration: 23/5-30/6/18/ Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 11:00-19:00,

Daniel Arsham, Cookie Monster Patch (Purple), 2018, Plaster, metal, paint,  114.3 × 123.2 × 5,1 cm, Photo: Guillaume Ziccarelli, Courtesy Perrotin
Daniel Arsham, Cookie Monster Patch (Purple), 2018, Plaster, metal, paint, 114.3 × 123.2 × 5,1 cm, Photo: Guillaume Ziccarelli, Courtesy Perrotin