NguyễnTrinhThi, Letters from Panduranga, single-channel video, 35 minutes, HD, color, 2015
NguyễnTrinhThi, Letters from Panduranga, single-channel video, 35 minutes, HD, color, 2015, Art Cologne Archive

Since April begins with the Catholic Easter and continues with the Orthodox, our reader will find articles focusing on religious beliefs and rituals, not necessarily Orthodox, such as the tribute to the Greek Country Churches and their semiology, but also about religious beliefs that follow the Orthodox rituals of the Holly Week, because in parallel through contemporary art, We examine what occurs through the very interesting exhibition “Dialogos” and of course, the role of Talisman and how they have evolved over time… and they are part of all religions…

Traces: This month through the Column “Traces”, we will wander in the life and works of: Dan Flavin, Giuseppe Penone, Nancy Holt, Tony Cragg, Victor Vassarely, Kenneth Noland, Bridget Riley, Cy Twombly, Yves Klein and Vito Acconci; Also we will speak about the architects: Jørn Utzon, James Stirling, I.M. Pei and Peter Zumthor.

For the April the Art Fairs that we distinguish are: the 20th edition of Art Paris Art Fair and Art Cologne.

Good Month!!!

Efi Michalarou
