F Coma Berenices 6 17

Friday evening 27/2/15, we received an e-mail with the answers from the interview with Bob Wilson, at first we thought that the questions had some misunderstandings in the text that we send 27 hours earlier. No, he has answered to the questions!!! Huge surprise occupied us and… Feelings fluctuate, Once more I feel that, in U.S. they know not only to produce but also to promote art…. This happens every time I ask for an interview with an American or an artist who lives and work in U.S., simplicity, speed and geniality, go hand in hand, even if they are well known or famous though… something that in Europe is missing in general… We, the Europeans have a difficulty in the understanding of the institutional framework and the immediate response. The majority of the Greek artists and gallerists mainly those who belong to my generation or younger, thing that sales is their primary goal and that everything is happening with a magical way, since their exhibition program, cannot be announced. On the occasion of the instantaneous reaction of the great artist Bob Wilson, but also the same instant response the same day from two other Greek artists: Pantelis Chandris and Kostas Michalos, was a fact, which pleased me unlimited… I really felt that the serious artist and human being, faces himself and the others with the same respect and professionalism, all over the world, not only in the US, where the system is structured and have more experience…

However, for reasons purely educational, for the youngest especially cultural policy means a structured framework that operates in parallel, complementary and interrelated: Museum – Gallery – Foundation – Collectors – Art Historians – Art Theorists – Special Press – Media, this is the institutional framework that supports and should support the artist and the artwork, in order to achieve careers, sales, all that wants and should want any serious person in this space and because abroad know are experts in this system, they know how to respect the work and the time of people who promote them, without to pester them. After 20 years of work in this field and almost 1 year in the online magazine (with great readability) working endlessly, I realized that the delay from all sides, the travail and the difficulty, are neither snobbishness as originally I thought, nor only the result of the crisis, that I believed, I am a person who does not allow excuses to myself, but am looking for the good intentions… to the others… finally professionalism is the truth, the only solution, the sooner we realize it, easier it will be our life, our career and we will achieve our goals.

Good Month-Spring(!)
Efi Michalarou

* My own decision from this month, the first of Spring that is my name day-today (Efthalia), is that all those who hinder our work, have no space in our space or time from our time, the consistent and serious, are acceptable and welcome(!!!)