ART CITIES:London-Soul of a Nation Art in the Age of Black Power

Frank Bowling, Texas Louise, 1971, Acrylic on canvas, 2820 x 6650 mm, Tate ArchiveWhat did it mean to be a Black artist in the USA during the Civil Rights movement and at the birth of Black Power? What was art’s purpose and who was its audience? The exhibition “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power”, a explores how these issues played out among and beyond African American artists from 1963 to 1983.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Tate Archive

At a time when race and identity became major issues in music, sport and literature, brought to public attention, “Black Art” was being defined and debated across U.S.A. in vibrant paintings, photographs, prints and sculptures. Featuring more than 150 works by over 60 artists, many on display in the UK for the first time, “Soul of a Nation Art in the Age of Black Power”  explores how American cultural identity was re-shaped at a time of social unrest and political struggle. The exhibition begins in 1963 with the formation of the Spiral Group, a New York–based collective. They questioned how Black artists should relate to American society, with key figures like: Romare Bearden and Norman Lewis responding to current events in their photomontages and abstract paintings. Artists also considered the locations and audiences for their art, from local murals to nationally circulated posters and newspapers – with many turning away from seeking mainstream gallery approval to show artwork in their own communities through Black-owned galleries and artist-curated shows. The exhibition uses archive photographs and documentary material to illustrate the mural movement, including the “Wall of Respect” in Chicago and the “Smokehouse” wall paintings in Harlem. The way artists engaged with street activism is explored through posters and newspapers, such as the work of the Black Panther Party’s Culture Minister Emory Douglas, who declared “The ghetto itself is the gallery”. The call for Black Power initiated powerful and inspiring images of political leaders such as Malcolm X and Angela Davis and even works of radical abstraction invoking Martin Luther King’s legacy. The exhibition showcases this debate between figuration and abstraction, from Faith Ringgold’s “American People Series #20: Die” (1967) and Wadsworth Jarrell’s “Black Prince” (197) to Frank Bowling’s “Texas Louise” (1971) and Sam Gilliam’s “April 4” (1969). A highlight is “Homage to Malcolm” (1970) by Jack Whitten. Artists across the Unites States engaged in the Black Art debate. In Chicago in the late 1960s, Jeff Donaldson, Wadsworth Jarrell, Jae Jarrell, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Nelson Stevens and Gerald Williams, formed AfriCOBRA ( African Commune of Bad Relevant Artists), the only group to devise a manifesto for Black Art during this period. Their striking works offered a unique aesthetic combining bright colours, texts and images in dynamic ways. Meanwhile in Los Angeles the Watts Rebellion of 1965 had a direct impact on the art being produced there, with many artists calling attention to the politics of a divided city. Constructions by Noah Purifoy made use of debris found on the streets of Watts, while the work of Charles White and David Hammons shows the development of a distinct approach to the figure while responding to current events such as the restraining of Bobby Seale at his trial. Further themes investigated in the exhibition include the emergence of Black Feminism through the work of Betye Saar and Kay Brown, showing how the period marked a revolutionary moment of visibility for Black women, and debates over the possibility of a Black aesthetic in photography featuring work by Roy DeCarava. The exhibition also spotlights Just Above Midtown gallery (JAM), a pioneering New York commercial gallery that displayed the work of avant-garde Black artists and whose legendary programme spanned innovative approaches to sculpture and performance, using materials as unexpected as Black hair and tights.

Info: Curators: Mark Godfrey and Zoe Whitley, Assistant Curator: Priyesh Mistry, Tate Modern, Bankside, London, Duration: 12/7-22/10/17, Days & Hours: Mon-Thu & Sun 10:00-18:00, Fri-Sat 10:00-22:00,

Faith Ringgold, American People series320: Die, 1967, Oil on canvas, 1828 x 3657 mm, The Museum of Modern Art New York, purchase and Gift of the Modern Women’s Func © Faith Ringgold, Tate Archive
Faith Ringgold, American People series #20: Die, 1967, Oil on canvas, 1828 x 3657 mm, The Museum of Modern Art New York, purchase and Gift of the Modern Women’s Fund, © Faith Ringgold, Tate Archive



Betye Saar, Rainbow Mojo, 1972, Acrylic on leather, paul-Michael diMeglio-New York, © Betye Saar, Courtesy of the artist and Lobert & Tilton-Los angeles, Tate Archive
Betye Saar, Rainbow Mojo, 1972, Acrylic on leather, Paul-Michael diMeglio-New York, © Betye Saar, Courtesy of the artist and Lobert & Tilton-Los angeles, Tate Archive



Sam Gilliam, Carousel Change, 1970, Acrylic paint on canvas and leather string, 3000 x 23370 mm, Tate, Promised gift of Pamela J. Joyner and J. Giuffrida (Tate Americas Foundation), Image Courtesy David Kordansky Gallery, Tate Archive
Sam Gilliam, Carousel Change, 1970, Acrylic paint on canvas and leather string, 3000 x 23370 mm, Tate, Promised gift of Pamela J. Joyner and J. Giuffrida (Tate Americas Foundation), Image Courtesy David Kordansky Gallery, Tate Archive



Betye Saar, Eye, 1972, 216 x 349 mm, Collection of Sheila Silber And David Limburger, © Betye Saar, Courtesy of the artist and Lobert & Tilton-Los Angeles, Tate Archive
Betye Saar, Eye, 1972, 216 x 349 mm, Collection of Sheila Silber and David Limburger, © Betye Saar, Courtesy of the artist and Lobert & Tilton-Los Angeles, Tate Archive



Carolyn Lawrence, Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free, 1972, Acrylic paint on canvas, 1245 x 1295 x 51 mm, Courtesy of Carolyn Mims Lawrence, Tate Archive
Carolyn Lawrence, Black Children Keep Your Spirits Free, 1972, Acrylic paint on canvas, 1245 x 1295 x 51 mm, Courtesy of Carolyn Mims Lawrence, Tate Archive



Left: Emory Douglas, 21 August 1971 – we Shall Survive without a doubt, 1971, Newspaper, 445 x 580 mm, enter for the Study of Political Graphics (Culver City-USA), © Emory Douglas/ARS NY, Photo Credit: Courtesy of Emory Douglas,/Art Resource NY, Tate Archive. Right: Jae Jarrell, Revolutionary Suit, 1969, remade 2010, Tweed, suede, wooden pins, 838 x 85 x 304mm, Brooklyn Museum New York, © Jae Jarrell, Tate Archive
Left: Emory Douglas, 21 August 1971 – We Shall Survive Without A Doubt, 1971, Newspaper, 445 x 580 mm, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (Culver City-USA), © Emory Douglas/ARS NY, Photo Credit: Courtesy of Emory Douglas,/Art Resource NY, Tate Archive. Right: Jae Jarrell, Revolutionary Suit, 1969, remade 2010, Tweed, suede, wooden pins, 838 x 85 x 304mm, Brooklyn Museum New York, © Jae Jarrell, Tate Archive



Left: Wadsworth Jarrell, Revolutionary, 1972, Screenprint on paper, 864 x 673 mm, Courtesy Lusehop Fine Art, © Wadsworth Jarrell, Tate Archive. Right: William T Williams, Trane, 1969, Studio Museum Harlem, © William T Williams, Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC-New York, Tate Archive
Left: Wadsworth Jarrell, Revolutionary, 1972, Screenprint on paper, 864 x 673 mm, Courtesy Lusehop Fine Art, © Wadsworth Jarrell, Tate Archive. Right: William T Williams, Trane, 1969, Studio Museum Harlem, © William T Williams, Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC-New York, Tate Archive



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