ART CITIES:Toulouse-Daniel Spoerri

Daniel Spoerri, Alpha-Omega, 1992-93, Collection Daniel Cordier, ©Adagp, Les Abattoirs ArchiveDaniel Spoerri a founding member of Nouveau Réalisme, takes over the basement of les Abattoirs. Rather than just a historical presentation, he designed “les dadas des deux Daniel”, a vast cabinet of curiosities comprising his works, his ethnographic collection and the Daniel Cordier collection; given to the Pompidou Centre and on loan at les Abattoirs.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Les Abattoirs Archive

For “Dadas des deux Daniel”, Daniel Spoerri set up the exhibition to show the complicity between his works, and both his and Daniel Cordier’s collection. Daniel Spoerri was born in Romania in 1930 but immigrated to Switzerland with his mother and siblings after his father was killed during the war. Initially working with poetry and dance, he turned to sculptural art and became a member of Nouveau Réalisme in 1960. Spoerri is also very much associated with the Fluxus Art Movement, characterized by a strongly Dadaist attitude. It was at this time that he started his snare-pictures which he describes as follows; “Objects found in chance positions, in order or disorder (on tables, in boxes, drawers, etc.) are fixed (‘snared’) as they are. Only the plane is changed: since the result is called a picture, what was horizontal becomes vertical. Example: remains of a meal are fixed to the table at which the meal was consumed and the table hung on the wall”. Pursuing this idea he created works using everyday objects (the opposite of trompe- l’œil; détrompe- l’œil) and food, thus prefiguring Eat Art, where eating becomes the subject of the work. He is also widely acclaimed for his book, “An Anecdoted Topography of Chance”, a literary analogue to his snare-pictures, in which he mapped all the objects located on his table at a particular moment, describing each with his personal recollections evoked by the object. . Daniel Spoerri’s work questions social, cultural, and symbolic aspects of food and objects. Several snare-pictures can be found, with a section dedicated to a lesser-known and earlier part of his work; the “Multiplication d’Art Transformable”, a venture founded in 1959 which contested the idea of a unique work of art, selling 3-dimensional art and including many well-known artists such as de Man Ray, Jean Tinguely, Pol Bury and Roy Lichtenstein. Tony Morgan’s video in collaboration with Daniel Spoerri, “Beefsteak – Resurrection” (1968), reverses the story of a steak from death to life and wraps up this theme on the cycle of life.

Info: Les Abattoirs, 76 Allées Charles de Fitte, Toulouse, Duration: 2/2-3/9/17, Days & Hours: Wed & Fri-Sun 12:00-18:00, Thu 12:00-20:00,

Daniel Spoerri, Hommage au jardin d'hiver de la baronne Salomon de Rotschild, 1972, Collection Cnap © Adagp, Photo. S. Leonard, Les Abattoirs Archive
Daniel Spoerri, Hommage au jardin d’hiver de la baronne Salomon de Rotschild, 1972, Collection Cnap © Adagp, Photo. S. Leonard, Les Abattoirs Archive



Daniel Spoerri, La Sainte famille, 1986, Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris- Musée national d’art moderne - Centre de création industrielle, © Adagp, Les Abattoirs Archive
Daniel Spoerri, La Sainte famille, 1986, Collection Centre Pompidou, Paris- Musée national d’art moderne – Centre de création industrielle, © Adagp, Les Abattoirs Archive



Daniel Spoerri & Tony Morgan, Résurrection, 1968, Collection les Abattoirs Frac Midi Pyrénées, ©-Adagp
Daniel Spoerri & Tony Morgan, Résurrection, 1968, Collection les Abattoirs Frac Midi Pyrénées, ©-Adagp



Exhibition View, Photo: S.Leonard, Les Abattoirs Archive
Exhibition View, Photo: S.Leonard, Les Abattoirs Archive



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