ART CITIES:Kraków-Art in Art

Oskar Dawicki, Desecrator’s Gymnastics, 2013, Photograph, 100 × 200 cm, Courtesy of Galeria Raster-Warsaw, © Oskar Dawicki, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków“Art in Art” is the last exhibition in the series of exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków (MOCAK) that confront important areas of life with their perception by artists. This exhibition differs from the others. The previous themes were taken from life and analysed received truths and manipulations thereof.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: MOCAK Archive

Art is there to provide reflection and both stimulate and provide depth to our critical perception of everything that existence entails. Such is the role of art, and this is the kind of art that MOCAK endeavours to show in all its activities. But art also has another, more ‘arty’ face – as one big conglomeration of familiar images of acclaimed pedigree, works with their own idiosyncratic context, in which they have thrilled and enraptured many. This collection includes masterpieces, representations of famous characters, specific compositional games and expressions and great scandals. Images taken ‘from art’ have considerable semantic capacity; each is a quotation as potent as a short text. Thus, artists frequently avail themselves of the art of others, for a variety of reasons, since this is an operation that can service all themes. The exhibition “Art in Art” does not wrestle with any particular existential problem but rather illustrates a sophisticated semantic game that is capable of dealing with a variety of issues. For this very reason, previous exhibitions in the series included works that contained “art in art”. The exhibitions were:  “History” showed the drama of war, patriotism and national identification. “Sport” revealed human ambition and potential. “Economy” warned against the power of money and its ubiquity. “Crime” probed the evil that is in us. “Gender” projected the prejudices related to gender and “Medicine” demonstrated the complexity of body addiction. Each of these topics has proved a direct source of existential symbols, which one can employ in one’s own commentary on the world that we have been condemned to live in. They delineate the limit of our functioning and mark out the extent of our freedom and dignity but also our iniquity. As for Art – it has no power to influence our lives directly. Artists: Elise Ansel, Krzysztof M. Bednarski, Rafał Bujnowski, Léo Caillard, Enrique Chagoya, Vuk Ćosić, Oskar Dawicki, Sven Drühl, Edward Dwurnik, Pola Dwurnik, Marian Eile, Roberto Fassone / Valeria Mancinelli, Simon Fujiwara, Tezi Gabunia, Dorothee Golz, Manfred Grübl, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Debora Hirsch, Wlastimil Hofman, Ewa Juszkiewicz, Alexandra Kehayoglou, Jerzy Kosałka, Katarzyna Kozyra, The Krasnals (Whielki Krasnal), Tomasz Kręcicki, Zofia Kulik, Robert Kuśmirowski, Isabelle Le Minh, Anka Leśniak, Leszek Lewandowski, Łódź Kaliska, Marcin Maciejowski, Marcello Maloberti, Shahar Marcus, Hiroyuki Masuyama, Bartek Materka, Yasumasa Morimura, Bjørn Nørgaard, Shinji Ogawa, ORLAN, Tanja Ostojić, Géza Perneczky, Zbigniew Pronaszko, Quayola, Adam Rzepecki, Nicola Samorì, Christian D. Schmit, Cindy Sherman, Nedko Solakov, Henryk Stażewski, Jana Sterbak, Mateusz Szczypiński, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Mariusz Tarkawian, Gavin Turk, Richard Tuschman, Hans Weigand, Wiktor Wolski, Michał Zawada and Aaron Zeghers

Info: Curators: Delfina Jałowik, Monika Kozioł and Maria Anna Potocka, Co-ordinator: Agnieszka Sachar, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków, Lipowa 4, Kraków, Duration: 28/4-1/10/17, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 11:00-19:00,

Left: Léo Caillard, from the series Hipsters in Stone, 2013, Photograph, 120 × 180 cm, courtesy of Sebastien Adrien Gallery – Paris, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków. Right: Marcin Maciejowski, We, Young Artists, Welcome the Masterpiece by Podkowinski with Utmost Joy, 2014, Oil / canvas, 180  × 140 cm, the MOCAK Collection
Left: Léo Caillard, from the series Hipsters in Stone, 2013, Photograph, 120 × 180 cm, Courtesy of Sebastien Adrien Gallery – Paris, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków Archive. Right: Marcin Maciejowski, We, Young Artists, Welcome the Masterpiece by Podkowinski with Utmost Joy, 2014, Oil on canvas, 180 × 140 cm, the MOCAK Collection



Zofia Kulik, Ambassadors of the Past. Made in GDR, USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland, 2006, Photograph, 210 × 243 cm, Courtesy of Z. Kulik, ŻAK BRANICKA Gallery-Berlin, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków
Zofia Kulik, Ambassadors of the Past. Made in GDR, USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland, 2006, Photograph, 210 × 243 cm, Courtesy of Z. Kulik, ŻAK BRANICKA Gallery-Berlin, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków Archive



Aneta Grzeszykowska, Untitled Film Stills, 2006, Photograph, 30 × 50 cm, Courtesy of Galeria Raster-Warsaw, © A. Grzeszykowska, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków
Aneta Grzeszykowska, Untitled Film Stills, 2006, Photograph, 30 × 50 cm, Courtesy of Galeria Raster-Warsaw, © A. Grzeszykowska, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków Archive



Tezi Gabunia, Put Your Head Into Gallery (Louvre), 2015-16, Installation, 50 × 82 × 50 cm, Courtesy of T. Gabunia, Popiashvili Gvaberidze Window Project-Tbilisi, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków Archive
Tezi Gabunia, Put Your Head Into Gallery (Louvre), 2015-16, Installation, 50 × 82 × 50 cm, Courtesy of T. Gabunia, Popiashvili Gvaberidze Window Project-Tbilisi, Museum of Contemporary Art Kraków Archive



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