BOOK:Christine Ödlund-Aether & Einstein, SKIRA Publications
Organic visual interpretations of her mind, Christine Ödlund creates art in a very unique way. She combines meditation into her creative process, and then allows herself to interpret what processes through her meditative state of mind into art. The book “Christine Ödlund. Aether & Einstein” by SKIRA Publications is the catalog of her first large institutional presentation (6/2-11/12/16) of her work in Sweden at Magasin III Museum & Foundation for Contemporary Art in Stockholm. Since the first solo exhibition at the alternative art space Ynglingagatan 1 in Stockholm in 1995, Ödlund has continued to create unique encounters between art, science and music. Her artistic practice includes a wide range of media including drawing, painting, sculpture, animation, installations with living plants, electroacoustic music, and more. For example, she has researched how plants, specifically stinging nettles, interact and communicate with one another at the Royal Institute of Technology’s Department of Organic Chemistry in Stockholm. During the course the exhibition, Ödlund expanded her study of sensory reactions, to a greater variety of plant species.-Efi Michalarou