BOOK:The Engineer of the Lost Time

ΒΟΟΚContinuing to search… my library… I found a book that was released in Greek in 1989 by the Agras Publications, where the Marchel Duchamp talks with Pierre Cabanne: ”The Engineer of the Lost Time – Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp”, one of the first books I have read, starting my course in the art world, for this reason it touches me every time I browse it, but simultaneously connects me to my great love, which is the interview, the dialogue with the artist, not only for his work but also for his life, since in such cases of artists these are interwoven.

By Efi Michalarou

”The Engineer of the Lost Time – Dialogues With Marcel Duchamp” Agra Publications


For Intelligent: “This is exactly what I’d ask you now. The word “intelligence” is the most attractive word ever. There is a logic, the Cartesian form of intelligence, but I think Breton meant something else…”

For Chess: “The chess circles are much more sympathetic than artistic. They are people completely dazzled, completely blinded, blinkered. Crazy of a certain quality, as is supposed to be the artist, who normally is not crazy. Perhaps it is an element that was primarily interested me…

For the Large Glass: “A sum of experiences, yes, without having influenced me the idea to create another movement in painting, with the concept of impressionism, fauvism of, any movement –ism”

For Art: “I don’t believe in art. I believe in artists”

For the narcissism of the retina: “From the excessive importance given to the retina. From Coubert and beyond everyone thinks that the painting is addressed to the retina and this is the general error. The retinal shiver”

For Ready-made: “Ready-made was imposed to me at that time, it seemed that fits just fine with things that were not artworks nor drawings, that did not match with any of the accepted term in the art world . That is why I was tempted to do it”

For his Mona Lisa: “…In October of 1919, what I did in Mona Lisa that time? Nothing. I painted a mustache and a beard, that was it. It did not showed her anywhere”

For the recognition: “In other words, the artist does not exist if is not known”