ART CITIES:Brussels-Giovanni Anselmo

Giovanni Anselmo, Exhibition View, Bernier/Eliades Gallery ArchiveGiovanni Anselmo is one of the artists of Arte Povera who, since the mid ‘60s, have radically renewed art by turning away from traditional forms and turning toward new, poor and natural materials. He shares with other artists of Arte Povera the desire to incorporate into art the real factors of time and energy. At the centre of his art which integrates nature, perception and philosophy stands the human being: the artist calls on each individual viewer to engage, directly and critically.

By Dimitris Lempesis
Photo: Bernier/Eliades Gallery Archive

Two works by Giovanni Anselmo are on presentation at Bernier/Eliades Gallery in collaboration with Tucci Russo Studio per l’Arte Contemporanea. Since 1965, when Giovanni Anselmo was suddenly struck by his relative size within the vast energy and structure of the universe, he has devoted himself to an ongoing investigation the very most finite and infinite concepts and forms, focusing on elemental laws and the forces of nature such as gravity, tension, magnetism and energy. Anselmo’s conceptually taut yet lyrical work, which defies limitations and encompasses installation, painting, sculpture and architecture, brings together a wide range of organic and inorganic materials that manage to address the most universal, poignant and perplexing questions of the human condition and the natural world.  “Dove le stelle si avvicinano di una spanna in più mentre la terra si orienta”, in this work 8 blocks of granite are placed in a constellation around the central sculpture made of sifted earth spread on the floor. A magnetic needle has been placed in the center of this small mound of dirt, indicating the bearings of the work itself. The artist expects that visitors will step on top of the stones and, in this way they come one step closer to the stars. The installation “Oltremare appare verso oriente”, comprises 22 granite stones juxtaposed with several minimal columns of ultramarine paint applied directly to the walls of the Marian Goodman Gallery. This important work encompasses the founding principles and the aesthetic language the artist has developed through his practice. Oltremare (Ultramarine) was originally obtained from the grinding down of the semi-precious mineral element, Lapis Lazuli and imported to Europe from Afghanistan, its inclusion here mediating the solid mass of the granite and allowing the viewers to project themselves out of the gallery space. In this installation, Anselmo explores the possibilities of “Humanizing making the vertiginous distance” that separates us from the stars and our positioning within the universe.

Info: Bernier/Eliades Gallery, 46 Rue du Châtelain, Brussels, Duration: 8/9-17/12/16, Days & Hours: Tue-Sat 12:00-18:00,

Giovanni Anselmo, Exhibition View, Bernier/Eliades Gallery Archive
Giovanni Anselmo, Exhibition View, Bernier/Eliades Gallery Archive