ART CITIES:Budapest, The Whale That Was a Submarine

Armando Lulaj, It Wears As It Grows, 2011, Courtesy of the artistThe exhibition “The Whale That Was a Submarine – Contemporary Positions from Albania and Kosovo” presents a selection of contemporary positions from the art scenes of Albania and Kosovo focusing on the art practices of the last 10–15 years in the two areas, the exhibition juxtaposes the freshest voices from the two countries.

By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Ludwig Múzeum Budapest Archive

One of the priorities at Ludwig Museum-Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest is to keep track of the contemporary art scenes and new tendencies of the Central and Eastern European region and the post-socialist countries. The exhibition “The Whale That Was a Submarine” does not aim to be complete, it does not provide retrospective overview of the evolution of Albania and Kosovo, nor does it examine the activity of artists from a historical aspect. Until now art historians primarily studied the cultural, social, and political related questions raised by the two art scenes within the context of the Balkans. The exhibition attempts to explore the contemporary artistic positions of the two countries, outside the context of the Balkans creating a dialogue and providing a possible interpretation of the relation between the two scenes, outlining common points, contrasts as well as delicate, subtle tones and transitions, opening up further considerations and inquiries, and providing an opportunity for the international public to get acquainted with these cultural milieus. The presented works that can be considered milestones, statements that facilitated the international presence of each scene, and projects engendered as imprints or witnesses of long processes. It is through these positions that the selection explores the phenomena that have functioned as the driving force in each country and its artists. Participating Artists: Endri Dani, Helidon Gjergji, Alban Hajdinaj, Edi Hila, Ardian Isufi, Ilir Kaso, Olson Lamaj, Armando Lulaj, Violana Murataj, Matilda Odobashi, Adrian Paci, Remijon Pronja, Anri Sala, Gentian Shkurti, Fani Zguro,  Jakup Ferri, Flaka Haliti, Haveit, Majlinda Hoxha, Genc Kadriu, Koja, Dren Maliqi, Alban Muja, Driton Selmani and Sislej Xhafa

Info: Curator: Julia Fabényi, Ludwig Múzeum Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1, Budapest, Duration: 15/7-11/9/16, Days & Hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00,

The Whale That Was a Submarine , Exhibition View, © VÉGEL Dániel / Ludwig Múzeum - Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum Adattára
The Whale That Was a Submarine, Exhibition View, © Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art



The Whale That Was a Submarine , Exhibition View, Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
The Whale That Was a Submarine, Exhibition View, © Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art



The Whale That Was a Submarine , Exhibition View, Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
The Whale That Was a Submarine, Exhibition View, © Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art



The Whale That Was a Submarine , Exhibition View, Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
The Whale That Was a Submarine, Exhibition View, © Daniel Vegel / Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art