TRAVELER’S DIARY:The Annex of A.S.F.A. at Delphi
One of the first Annexes that operated, is the one of Delphi which opened in 1939 (along with the Annexes of Hydra and Mykonos) at the initiative of the then Director of A.S.F.A Kostas Dimitriadis. It is built on a pine-covered area of 9,850 sq.m. and consists of 3 levels (basement, ground floor and first floor) with a total area of 750 sq.m. near the archaeological site of Delphi. The view is panoramic from both the Exhibitions Hall that spans 250 sq.m. and the 8 laboratories from the large balcony of the first floor someone can work, looking at the Delphic landscape assimilating the inexhaustible energy of the place and nature. It is no coincidence that very close to the Annex is located the house of the poet Angelos Sikelianos, who as we all know revived the Delphic Festival and currently is Museum. Noteworthy is that if you go to Delphi Annex of A.S.F.A. in winter, both the place, as the space with ally the time that receives other dimensions contribute catalytically to study, design and artistic creation, which is the main goal of all these stations…
By Efi Michalarou
Photo: Dimitris Lempesis