BOOK:Zaha Hadid,Conversation with Thanassis Lalas

ART PARIS 2012 JIM 0216
Fro Zaha’s Hadid solo exhibition at J.G.M. Gallery, Paris, Photo Dimitris Lempesis


Continuing the journey in the Library, I dig a small favorite book released in 2005 by Kastaniotis Publications, to share since I refer to it at regular intervals, to the dialogues of Thanassis Lalas dialogues with famous Iranian Architect Zaha Hadid. I consider Zaha Hadid not only talented and intelligent, but also important, because although she was winning architectural competitions and awards for a decade and… She was planning, without her projects to be implemented, that alone makes it in my consciousness highly respected(!)

By Efi Michalarou

Zaha Hadid-Conversation with Thanassis Lalas, Kastaniotis Pulbications


How to Find Your Way: “It is a very long journey”

For Risks: “I think the most crucial is this! In life we have to take risks, but we do not always bear the conditions on our side or the confidence to do it”

For Architecture: ‘’…I chose Architecture, after I had studied something else. And I really did not know then, if this thing will evolve in one way or another

For the City: “It is not easy task to demolish a city and to reconstruct it from scratch…”

For Prisons: “I’m horrified when I think that ten years old children growing up in prison. Because I believe, when they get out, they will be worse. For these reasons, I will never design a prison”

For Religion: “I believe that Religious Faith is a subjective question”

For the Nice Things in Life: “So there are many places which are really excellent, as there are extraordinary artworks. Generally there are wonderful things in life, which is a blessing to be able to enjoy them… all these are privileges that should not be enjoyed by few. For me, the link between all these is Architecture”