BOOK:Piano Complete Works, Taschen Publications

Renzo Piano:complete works 1966-2014Some architects have a signature style. What sets Renzo Piano apart is that he applies his coherent set of ideas in extraordinarily different ways. It takes more than a quick glance to see his touch on such individual structures as the Pompidou Center, The New York Times Building in New York, and his 72-story London Bridge Tower. Each project is a renaissance, because, as Renzo Piano explains: “One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again”. The updated monograph “Renzo Piano:complete works 1966-2014”, illustrated by photographs, sketches, and plans, spans Piano’s career to date and the many existences of his singular aesthetic. It includes new photographs of the Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Kimbell Art Museum Expansion in Fort Worth, Texas, as well as a sneak peek at his current project, Valletta City Gate in Valletta, Malta, which includes the construction of a new parliament building and the nearly completed new Whitney Museum of American Art on the High Line.-Dimitris Lempesis