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John Currin, Nude in a Convex Mirror, 2015, Private Collection, © John Currin, Courtesy Gagosian Gallery, Photo: Douglas M. Parker Studio

ART CITIES:Florence- John Currin

Displaying a sophisticated technique and a deep figurative culture, John Currin is renowned for his extremely elegant portraits and erotic scenes rendered …

Yoko Ono, Wish Tree

ART CITIES: Copenhagen-Yoko Ono

The “Wish Tree” is an ongoing art installation series by Yoko Ono, started sometime after 1981, in which a tree native to …

Left: Cy Twombly, Untitled (Lexington), 2009, © Cy Twombly Foundation, Photo: Rob McKeever, Gagosian Gallery Archive. Right: Mark Grotjahn, Untitled (Deco Pink and Lemon Yellow Butterfly 45.95), 2016, © Mark Grotjahn, Photo: Douglas M. Parker Studio, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:San Francisco-Plane.Site

  “Plane.Site”, is the title of a cross-generational exhibition of Modern and Contemporary artists to inaugurate the Gagosian Gallery in San Francisco. …

Bruce Nauman, RAW MATERIAL - BRR (1990), Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. © VG Bild-Kunst/Bonn 2014, Photo © ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Photo: ONUK, Copenhagen Contemporary Archive

ART CITIES: Copenhagen-Bruce Nauman

Throughout his career Bruce Nauman has worked with many media and materials. His practice ranges from traditional modes of expression such as …

Wang Zhibo, Rise Fall, 2016, Edouard Malingue Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Wang Zhibo

Wang Zhibo studied at the China Academy of Art Oil Painting Department in Hangzhou, hes subjects are dystopian visions representing the liminal …

Stuart Davis, Owh! in San Pao (Detail), 1951, Whitney Museum of American Art-New York, Purchase 52.2, © Estate of Stuart Davis, Licensed by VAGA-New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Stuart Davis

Stuart Davis aesthetic values were shaped by his childhood exposure to the Realist Ashcan painters in his father’s circle, who captured the …

GLASS, Exhbition View, Photo: Tom Barratt Pace Gallery Archive


In the group exhibition “GLASS” at Pace Gallery in New York, are on presentation works made in glass and using glass found …

Günther Förg, Exhibition View, Massimo De Carlo Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Günther Förg

In his practice Günther Förg, who was highly inspired by Abstract influences and Modernism, has explored tangible ways of reflecting on materiality …

Shahzia Sikander, Nemesis, 2003, Courtesy the artist

ART CITIES:Rome-Shahzia Sikander

Since moving from Pakistan to the United States in 1992, Shahzia Sikander, has been exploring ways to stretch and pull apart the …

Ed Ruscha, Standard Station, Mocha Standard, Cheese Mold Standard with Olive, and Double Standard, 1966–69, © Ed Ruscha, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Beverly Hills-Ed Ruscha

  Ed Ruscha’s photography, drawing, painting, and artist books record the shifting emblems of American life in the last half century. His …

Lukas Duwenhögger, Exhibition View, Raven Row Archive

ART CITIES:London, Lukas Duwenhögger

Some boys don’t belong in school, they’re just too strange. Lukas Duwenhögger’s paintings, collages and drawings are wild proof that he was …

Yuri Pattison, user, space (2016), Installation view, Chisenhale Gallery, 2016, Commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery and Create-London, Courtesy of the artist, mother's tankstation limited-Dublin, Helga Maria Klosterfelde-Berlin;and Labor-Mexico, Photo: Andy Keate

ART CITIES:London-Yuri Pattison

Yuri Pattison works with digital media, video and sculpture to explore the political implications of new technologies and the changing nature of …

Mike Nelson, Cloak, Installation View, 2016, Photo: NMNM/Sebastiano Pellion di Persano, Courtesy the artist

ART CITIES: Monaco -Mike Nelson

Mike Nelson came to prominence in the late ‘90s, creating psychological environments by sifting through the debris of modern life. His installations …

Manny Krakowski, Untitled (True North), 2016, Edward Cella Art & Architecture Archive

ART CITIES:L.A.- Manny Krakowski

Growing up near Los Angeles, Manny Krakowski had observed phenomena such consumerism, industry and advertising that supports it. His relationship with daily …

Katharina Fritsch, Postkarte (Essen), 2005, Photo: Ivo Faber, © VG Bild Kunst-Bonn 2016

ART CITIES:Essen-Katharina Fritsch

Katharina Fritsch vividly unites the personal and the collective. Her works oscillate between melancholy, light-heartedness and escapism, and between illusion and sublimation. …