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Philippe Parreno, Quasi Objects: Marquee (cluster). Disklavier Piano. My Room is a Fish Bowl (Detail), 2014, 56 neon, 20 transformers, 32 light bulbs, 8 sound transducers, sound amplifiers, microphones, computer, disklavier piano, set of fish balloons, Photo: © Andrea Rossetti, Installation views in Esther Schipper Gallery-Berlin, Collection Fundação de Serralves – Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto, Acquisition in 2015

ART CITIES:Porto-Philippe Parreno

Philippe Parreno is a French Avant-Garde artist who came to prominence in the ‘90s, he works across film, video, sound, sculpture, performance …

Rineke Dijkstra, Lina and Bruun, Amsterdam, December 7, 2016, Archival inkjet print, 77.8 x 100 cm, 97 x 119 cm, framed, edition of 10, Galerie Max Hetzler Archive

ART CITIES:Berlin-Rineke Dijkstra

Since the early ‘90s, Rineke Dijkstra has produced a complex body of photographic and video work, offering a contemporary take on the …

Jimmie Durham

ART CITIES:Paris-Openings 28 Jan. 2017

Didier Mencoboni in his solo exhibition “Episode XII” at Galerie Eric Dupont presents a selection of paintings from the series “…Etc…”. Since …

Parallax Scrolling image, Lauren Keeley, Courtesy Breese|Little Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Parallax Scrolling

Incorporating a number of different moving image techniques, the short films in the “Parallax scrolling” screening programme at Breese|Little Gallery in London, …

Kenneth Noland, Into the Cool No.10, 2006, Acrylic on canvas, 170.2 cm x 160 cm, © The Paige Rense Noland Marital Trust/Licensed by VAGA-New York NY Photo: Kerry Ryan McFate and Tom Barratt, Courtesy of Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Kenneth Noland

Kenneth Noland emerged in the wake of the first generation of the New York School. Interested in breaking away from the prevailing …

Sally Mann, Remembered Light, Untitled (Wall Drip with Blue Tape), Inkjet print, 20.3 × 25.4 cm, 2012, © Sally Mann, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Paris-Sally Mann

Sally Mann took up photography at the Putney School in Vermont, where she met Larry, to whom she proposed. After a year …

Marepe, Spaceship parking, 2016, aluminum basins and bicycle tires, 70 x 20 cm each, © the artist, Galerie Max Hetzler Archive

ART CITIES:Paris-Marepe

The work of the Brazilian artist Marepe has evolved from a deep connection with the local traditions, customs, and materials of Bahia, …

Liza Lou, ingxube (Umlazi), 2015, woven glass beads, 163.5 x 163.5 x 3.5 cm, Lehmann Maupin Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Liza Lou

With an emphasis on repetition, formal perfection and materiality, Liza Lou’s sculptures and environments thrive on the tension between the apparent impossibility …

Katharina Grosse, Untitled (Detail), 2016, Acrylic on canvas, 300 x 230 cm, © Katharina Grosse and VG Bild-Kunst-Bonn 2016, Photo Jens Ziehe, Courtesy Gagosian

ART CITIES:N.York-Katharina Grosse

Katharina Grosse’s approach to painting is not limited by the traditional rectilinear proportions of the canvas or even the architectural margins of …

Sofia Stevi, Untitled (Detail), 2016, Mixed media on canvas, Courtesy The Breeder-Athens

ART CITIES:Athens- Sofia Stevi

Returning in Athens from a few years in London, Sofia Stevi co-founded Fokidos 21, an artist-led project space in Athens and began …

ART CITIES:N.York- David Reed

David Reed has contributed as much in terms of expanding the vocabulary of abstract painting. With a rare combination of technical virtuosity, …

Pierrette Bloch, untitled, 1987, Black ink on paper, 20 x 25 cm, © Pierrette Bloch, Photo : Adam Rzepka, Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve Köln/Paris/St Moritz

ART CITIES:Paris-Pierrette Bloch

For decades, Pierrette Bloch has streaked, dripped, and blotted ink on paper or masonite*. Occasionally she would collage maculated scraps together, or …

Lee Bul, Untitled (Willing To Be Vulnerable), 2016, Mother of pearl, acrylic panel, PVC panel, acrylic paint, collage on silk velvet, 3 x 130 x 96 cm, Photo: Jeon Byung-cheol, Courtesy Studio Lee Bul and Lehmann Maupin - New York and Hong Kong


Lee Bul is considered one of the foremost women artists from Asia to emerge in the international art scene in the ‘90s. …

Shadi Habib Allah, Daga'a, 2015, HD video, 18:53 min, Courtesy of the artist and Green Art Gallery-Dubai

ART CITIES:Dubai-Shadi Habib Allah

In his practice, Shadi Habib Allah is interested opening up suggestive modes of navigation across circulation networks of people, technologies, objects, images …

Sonny Assu, They're Coming! Quick! I have a better hiding place for you. Dorvan V, you'll love it, 2015, Art Mûr Archive

ART CITIES:Montreal- Sonny Assu

Sonny Assu has been raised as an everyday average suburban white-kid by his grandparents, it wasn’t until he was eight years old …

Walid Siti, The Black Tower, 2016, Plastic figurines, paper, acrylic, plaster, twigs, 35x50x35cm, Edition of 3, each unique, © Courtesy of the artist and Zilberman Gallery-Istanbul/Berlin

ART CITIES:Berlin-Walid Siti

Born in Iraqi Kurdistan, Walid Siti lived in the former Yugoslavia before seeking political asylum in London during increasing aggression against those …

Josef Albers, Homage to the Square, 1971, Oil on Masonite, 121.9 x 121.9 cm, © 2017 The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York, David Zwirner Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:London-Openings

Featuring over fifteen large-scale works on paper the exhibition “Pour Paintings” highlights the exuberant invention and uncommon beauty underlying Sigmar Polke’s work. …

Material Connections

ART CITIES:N.York-Material Connections

In the group exhibition “Material Connections” at Jane Lombard Gallery in New York, Serge Attukwei Clottey , Shezad Dawood, Christine Gedeon, Kyungah …