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Richard Tuttle, The Critical Edge I, 2015, Fabric, wood, nails, hand-sewn brown thread, graphite, four black MDF panels and four fabric elements, 91.4 cm x 368.3 cm x 7.6 cm, © Richard Tuttle, Courtesy The Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Richard Tuttle

One of the most significant artists working today, Richard Tuttle first came to prominence in the heady years of the ‘60s, when …

Ian Cheng, Emissary Forks At Perfection (Still), 2015-16, Live simulation and story, infinite duration, MoMA Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Ian Cheng

Ian Cheng is best known for his digital simulation works that draw on his background in cognitive science and employ rudimentary forms …

ART CITIES:Zurich- Karen Kilimnik

Karen Kilimnik is best known for her collage-based work and installations of objects from popular culture. As part of the Scatter generation …

Mat Collishaw, The Centrifugal Soul, 2016, Photo: Rémi Chauvin, Courtesy the artist and Blain|Southern

ART CITIES:London-Mat Collishaw

An important member of the Young British Artists, Mat Collishaw creates work that confronts issues of moral ambiguity with formally stunning and …

Maria Lassnig, Den Stier bei den Hörnern packen, mid ‘80s, Oil on canvas, 145 x 200 cm, Maria Lassnig Foundation, © Maria Lassnig Foundation, Municipal Gallery of Athens Archive

ART CITIES:Athens -Maria Lassnig

Influenced at an early stage by art movements that celebrate gestural, informal and spontaneous practice such as Art Informel, Tachisme and Surrealism, …

Anatoly Shuravlev, Installation View, Future Revisited, 2017, Courtesy Museum Alex Mylona-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art

ART CITIES:Athens- Anatoly Shuravlev

Starting from his early photographic works, Anatoly Shuravlev has always investigated aspects of mass communication and the problems related to the representation …

Georg Baselitz, Ohne Titel (Detail), 2016, Ink pen and watercolor on paper, 66,2 x 50,3 cm, Photo: Jochen Littkemann, Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London/Paris/Salzburg

ART CITIES:Paris-Georg Baselitz

Georg Baselitz is one of Germany’s most celebrated living artists, with a distinguished career spanning over 50 years. In searching for alternatives …

Secundino Hernández, Untitled (Detail), 2017, Acrylic and oil on linen, 89.5 x 59.1 x 4 cm, Victoria Miro Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:London-Secundino Hernández

Secundino Hernández’s work has been characterised by an exploratory zeal, an insatiable curiosity for materials and processes and the way thought extends …

Damien Hirst, The rose window, Durham Cathedral, 2008, Painting, butterflies and metallic paint on canvas in artist’s frame, 299.2 x 299.2 x 15 cm, Courtesy Gary Tatintsian Gallery and artist studio

ART CITIES:Moscow-Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst emerged as a leading figure in the Young British Artists movement His work calls into question our awareness and convictions …

Peter Doig, Daytime Astronomy, 1997-98, Oil on canvas, 200 x 280 cm, Private Collection, Courtesy of Christie’s, © Peter Doig, All Rights Reserved, DACS 2017 Photo: ©2014 Christie’s Images Limited

ART CITIES:Beijing- Peter Doig

Peter Doig is among the world’s most renowned living painters. His breakthrough was a John Moores Prize win in 1993, in 1994 …

Monica Bonvicini, Chain Leather Swing, 2009, Installation view at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, Courtesy the artist and Galleria Raffaella Cortese-Milan

ART CITIES:Milan-Monica Bonvicini

Best known for large-scale sculptural installations that employ different materials and mediums, Monica Bonvicini incorporates elements of architecture, performance, photography, video, painting, …

In the framework of AQUA, Ilya et Emilia Kabakov, The Toilet on the River, 1996 – 2016, Wood, 210 x 150 x 110 cm, Courtesy of Artists and Sprovieri Gallery-London, Photo: © Sebastiano Pellion di Persano

ART CITIES:Geneva -Aqua, Part I

Water is not the rarest element on Earth, but it is our most precious natural resource because every life form (plant, animal …

Lygia Pape, Divisor, 1967, Performance at Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, 1990, Photo: Paula Pape, © Projeto Lygia Pape, Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art

ART CITIES:N.York- Lygia Pape

Lygia Pape was an influential iconoclast Brazilian artist and pioneering member of the postwar avant-garde. She worked across an expansive range of …

Do Ho Suh, Passage/s: The Pram Project, 2014-16, 3-chanel video, Installation view, Lehmann Maupin Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Hong Kong- Do Ho Suh

Born in Seoul, Do Ho Suh transforms his personal experiences into artworks, particularly his move from South Korea to the USA in …

Zhuang Hui, Qilian Range - 07, 2014, Inkjet color print, 80 × 370 cm, Edition of 3 + 1AP, Galleria Continua Archive

ART CITIES:Beijing-Zhuang Hui

Zhuang Hui began his artistic career as an oil painter and subsequently shifted to performance-based art and photography. Zhuang Hui has always …

Teresita Fernández, Fire (America) 3, 2016, glazed ceramic, 182.9 x 365.8 x 3.2 cm, Photo: EPW Studio/Maris Hutchinson, Courtesy the Artist and Lehmann Maupin-New York/Hong Kong

ART CITIES:N.York-Teresita Fernández

Teresita Fernández is a sculptor who integrates architecture and the optical effects of color and light to produce exquisitely constructed, contemplative spaces. …

Fred Tomaselli, Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 2016, Acrylic and photo collage over archival inkjet print, 109.2 x 120.7 cm, © Fred Tomaselli. Photo © White Cube (Max Yawney)

ART CITIES:London- Fred Tomaselli

Over his career, Fred Tomaselli is best known for his highly detailed paintings on wood panels, combining an array of unorthodox materials …

Aya Takano, The present day, and then…, 2017. Work in progress., Oil on canvas, 72.7 × 91cm, © 2017 Aya Takano/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd, All Rights Reserved, Courtesy Galerie Perrotin

ART CITIES:Paris-Aya Takano

Born in Saitama, Japan, Aya Takano spent most of her childhood reading science fiction books and magazines in her father’s library. Fascinated …

John Chamberlain, Studio Lite IV, 1989, Photography, Ed. 4/9, 50,8 x 61 cm, © John Chamberlain, Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve Köln/Paris/St Moritz

ART CITIES:Paris-John Chamberlain

John Chamberlain came to fame by creating exuberant and stately forms, using the crumpled car parts’ colors to delineate the irregularity of …

Lee Ufan, Untitled, 2016, Painting on porcelain, 66 x 64 cm, © 2015 Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York / ADAGP-Paris, Photo: Kerry Ryan McFate, Courtesy of Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Lee Ufan

Mono-ha began as a sculpture movement, but Lee Ufan extended its literalness to painting. Loading his brush, he patted marks in a …