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Kyungah Ham, What you see is the unseen / Chandeliers for Five Cities BC 02-04, 2014-16, North Korean hand embroidery, silk threads on cotton, middleman, anxiety, censorship, ideology, wooden frame, approx. 1900hrs/4persons, 265,5 x 357 cm, carlier|gebauer Archive

ART CITIES:Berlin-Kyungah Ham

Kyungah Ham accidently found a propaganda leaflet in front of her house one day, and this became a momentum for Ham to …

Bunny Rogers, A Very Special Holiday Performance in Columbine Auditorium (Video Still), 2017, Video, color, sound, Collection of the artist, Courtesy Société-Berlin, Whitney Museum of American Art Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Bunny Rogers

Bunny Rogers became known online for her provocative and honest portrayals of self, developing an art practice that has since expanded into …

Analia Saban, Markings (from Cadmium Yellow Lemon, Schmincke), 2016, Digital C-print on resin-coated paper and primed canvas, 101,6 x 152,4 cm, 159 x 108 x 5 cm (framed), © Analia Saban, Photo: Timo Ohler, Courtesy Sprüth Magers

ART CITIES:Berlin-Analia Saban

Surveying art history as if it was a “murder scene,” Analia Saban plumbs the histories of painting, drawing, sculpture, and photography to …

Frith Street Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Summer Breeze

“Summer Breeze” is a group exhibition that presents ethereal artworks by a selection of Frith Street Gallery artists. Whether by exploring complex …

Ismaïl Bahri, Source (Video Still), 2016, HD Video 16/9, 8 min, Public order of the National Center of the plastic arts - Ministry of Culture and Communication, Produced by G.R.E.C with the support of the CNC. Collection La Première Image, Jeu de Paume Archive

ART CITIES:Paris-Ismaïl Bahri

Ismaïl Bahri’s work incorporates many cultural and aesthetic references, developing visual experiments that are both sensitive and precise. The results of these …

Merlin Carpenter, Charlotte, 2017, Acrylic on linen, 180 x 250 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Neu-Berlin.

ART CITIES:Berlin-Merlin Carpenter

While Merlin Carpenter’s manner of working is sardonic and polemic, to leave it at this would be to oversimplify. What becomes clear …

Daniel Richter, Army of Traitors, 2011, Oil on canvas, 200 × 300 cm, Private Collection, © Bildrecht-Wien 2017, 21er Haus Archive

ART CITIES:London-Daniel Richter

The question of how painting can react to the political, social, and media realities of today represents a starting point for Daniel …

Paul McCarthy, WS – Bookends, 2013, Black walnut, Bookends (Horizontal): 365.8 x 304 x 444 cm (overall dimensions), Bookends (Vertical) (14'): 444 x 303.7 x 365.8 cm (overall dimensions), Photo: Genevieve Hanson, © Paul McCarthy, Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:Los Angeles -Paul McCarthy

The work of Paul McCarthy is unapologetic and sometimes, considered borderline perverse. The artist focuses on the creation of confronting works, attempting …

Rachel Pimm, Resistant Materials at Hales Gallery, Art Night 2017 Archive

ART CITIES:London-Art Night 2017

Art Night is a free contemporary arts festival that puts art into elocations around London for one night a year, encouraging the …

Louise Bourgeois and Tracey Emin, A sparrow’s heart (Detail), 2009-10, Archival dyes printed on cloth, 76.2 x 61 cm, © Tracey Emin, White Cube Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:London-Dreamers Awake

The thematic exhibition “Dreamers Awake” brings together over 100 works by women artists that explore sexual politics, eroticism, mysticism and identity, Rarely …

Damien Hirst, Demon with bowl (exhibition enlargement), Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates, © Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2017, Palazzo Grassi Archive

ART CITIES:Venice-Damien Hirst, Part II

Damien Hirst’s wide-ranging practice includes installation, sculpture, painting and drawing. Consistently challenging the boundaries between art, science and religion, his visceral, visually …

Peter Halley, 24 Frames, Acrylic, day-glo acrylic, Roll-a-Tex on canvas, 211 x 232 x 10 cm, Gary Tatintsian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Moscow-Peter Halley

Peter Halley began his formal training at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, from which he graduated in 1971. During that time, Halley …

Lyric on a Battlefield, Exhibition View, Gladstone Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Lyric on a Battlefield

Bringing together artists working in various media, from multiple regions, and of different generations, the exhibition “Lyric on a Battlefield” focuses on …

Daniel Richter, Masters of Junkies of Darkness, 2017, Oil on canvas, 200 x 270 cm, © Daniel Richter / Adagp-Paris 2017, Photo: Jochen Littkemann, Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London/Paris/Salzburg

ART CITIES:Paris-Daniel Richter

Daniel Richter’s paintings are both thematically and formally related to German Expressionism and painters such as Max Beckmann and George Grosz, who …

Carsten Höller, Revolving Doors, 2016, Mirrored revolving glass doors, aluminium, alucobond, steel, 558 x 558 x 228 cm, Courtesy Gagosian Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Carsten Höller

Originally trained as a scientist, Carsten Höller is frequently inspired by research and experiments from scientific history and deploys these studies in …

ART CITIES:Athens-Charles Ray

Charles Ray is a famous sculptor, he is best known for his sculptures of altered and refashioned familiar objects and pieces which …