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Tony Cragg , Fields of Heaven, 1998, © Adagp 2017-Paris/Tony Cragg, Photo: Michael Richter, Courtesy Mudam Luxembourg

ART CITIES:Luxemburg-Tony Cragg

Tony Cragg was a 20-year-old laboratory assistant in the rubber industry when he decided to pursue his interest in drawing and study …

Hernan Bas, Pink Plastic Lures, 2016, acrylic on linen, Courtesy of the artist and Lehmann Maupin New York/Hong Kong.

ART CITIES:Savanah-Hernan Bas

Hernan Bas is often compared to American painters like Elizabeth Peyton and Karen Kilimnik. Yet while this older generation has depicted pop …

Bill Viola, The Veiling, 1995, Video/sound installation, 30:00 minutes, Performers: Lora Stone, Gary Murphy, Courtesy Bill Viola Studio, © Bill Viola, Photo: Roman Mensing

ART CITIES:Bilbao-Bill Viola

Bill Viola began to experiment with video art in the early ‘70s through his participation in the Experimental Studios program at Syracuse …

Danh Vo, 2/2/1861(Detail), 2009, Handwritten letter by Phung Vo, Ink on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm, Collection Mudam Luxembourg - Production 2013, © Photo: Rémi Villaggi / Mudam Luxembourg

ART CITIES:Luxembourg – Double Coding

The starting point “Double Coding–Collection Mudam” is Andrea Mastrovito’s work “Non ci Resta Che Piangere” (2009) that encourages us to refuse any …

Patricia Cronin, Shrine for Girls (Uttar Pradesh), 2015, Saris, framed photograph, and wood crate, The LAB Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Dublin-Patricia Cronin

Since the early-90’s, the conceptual artist Patricia Cronin has garnered international attention for her photographs, paintings and sculptures that address contemporary human …

Anya Gallaccio, reference image for to see if time was there, 2017, Artwork © Anya Gallaccio, Commissioned by The Contemporary Austin with funds provided by the Edward and Betty Marcus Foundation, Courtesy the artist and Blum & Poe-Los Angeles/New York/Tokyo.

ART CITIES:Austin-Anya Gallaccio

While Anya Gallaccio graduated from Goldsmiths College in London in the late ‘80s, during the short but fertile period that birthed Young …

Ai Weiwei, Forever Bicycles, 2014, 1,254 bicycles, Dimensions variable, Installation view at Waller Creek Delta, The Contemporary Austin – Museum Without Walls Program, Austin, Texas, 2017, Artwork © Ai Weiwei Studio, Courtesy Ai Weiwei Studio and Lisson Gallery,Courtesy The Contemporary Austin / Waller Creek Conservancy. Photo:Brian Fitzsimmons

ART CITIES:Austin-Ai Weiwei

Drawing on current global politics, Chinese culture, human rights, and more to push the definition of art into new realms, Ai Weiwei …

Nari Ward, Goats on Wheel 8, Photo: KatieDennyHorowitz, Socrates Sculpture Park Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Nari Ward, Part I

The exhibition “G.O.A.T., again” is the first institutional solo exhibition of Nari Ward in New York and is on presentation at Socrates …

Jennifer Steinkamp, Madame Curie, 2011, Seven-channel, synchronized projection, Dimensions variable, Photo: Robert Wedemeyer, Collection Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, Museum purchase with funds provided by Joan and Irwin Jacobs, 2011.1

ART CITIES:San Diego-Jennifer Steinkamp

Jennifer Steinkamp uses 3-D computer animation and new media to create video installations that activate architectural space and alter phenomenological perception. She …

Karel Funk, Untitled #80, 2016, Acrylic on panel, 58.4 x 64.1 cm, Signed, titled, dated verso, © Karel Funk, Courtesy 303 Gallery-New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Karel Funk

Karel Funk in his solo exhibition at 303 Gallery in New York showcases his unique ability to utilize a hyper-real painting style …

Julie Speidel, Otemma Glacier, 2017 Stainless steel, 44 x 60 x 49 inches, 18 x 25 x 24 inches x 43 1/2 x 30 1/2 x 23 inches, Winston Wächter Fine Art Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Julie Speidel

As a teenager, Julie Speidel lived in the British Isles and was fascinated by the prehistoric ruins she saw including the stone …

Beat Zoderer, Ringfaltung (Detail), 2013, Acrylic on aluminium, 137 x 94 cm, Bartha Contemporary Ltd. Archive

ART CITIES:London-Breaking Geometries

The exhibition title “Breaking Geometries”, at Bartha Contemporary in London explores the motive of geometrical abstraction achieved through the manipulation of everyday …

Thomas Ruff, press++51.14, 2016, C-Print, 185 x 231 cm (framed), © Thomas Ruff / VG Bild-Kunst-Bonn 2017, Courtesy Sprüth Magers

ART CITIES:Berlin-Thomas Ruff

Instead of photographing our everyday reality, Thomas Ruff concentrates on the depiction of photographic reality. His approach is based on the methods …

Kyungah Ham, What you see is the unseen / Chandeliers for Five Cities BC 02-04, 2014-16, North Korean hand embroidery, silk threads on cotton, middleman, anxiety, censorship, ideology, wooden frame, approx. 1900hrs/4persons, 265,5 x 357 cm, carlier|gebauer Archive

ART CITIES:Berlin-Kyungah Ham

Kyungah Ham accidently found a propaganda leaflet in front of her house one day, and this became a momentum for Ham to …