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Keiichi Tanaami, Death Bridge, 2012, Acrylic on canvas , 200 x 4 x 300 cm, Courtesy Gary Tatintsian Gallery and artist’s studio

ART CITIES:Moscow-Keiichi Tanaami

Keiichi Tanaami is one of the most influential Pop artists of postwar Japan. He studied graphic design, worked with the Japanese neo-Dadaist …

Gary Hume, Mum’s Cardigan (Detail), 2015, Gloss paint on paper, © Gary Hume / DACS, London, 2017, Courtesy of the artist, Sprüth Magers and Matthew Marks Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Gary Hume

Gary Hume is known for figurative and abstract paintings on aluminum panels, which often feature startling color combinations made with paints purchased …

Damián Ortega, Copulation, 2017, Fired glazed high temperatura glazed clay, Overall dimensions variable, © Damián Ortega, Photo © White Cube (George Darrell)

ART CITIES:London-Damián Ortega

Damián Ortega alters and deconstructs objects, building structures that create a dialogue between matter and form, action and thought. His oeuvre is …

Jeff Koons, Gazing Ball (Titian Pastoral Concert), 2016, Oil on canvas, glass and aluminum, 152.4 x 188 x 37.5 cm, ©Jeff Koons, Photo: Fredrik Nilsen, Courtesy Gagosian

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Arcadia

Arcadia is a mountainous, landlocked region of Greece, according to Greek mythology, Arcadia was the domain of Pan, a virgin wilderness home …

Kara Walker

ART CITIES:Brussels-Ways of Seeing

The group exhibition “Ways of Seeing”, takes its title from John Berger’s 1972 homonymous text on visual culture, the exhibition invites the …

Davide Balula, Irons Levels, 2017 © Davide Balula, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITES:Rome-Davide Balula

Davide Balula is an artist and a musician. His visual practice investigates chance encounters, random patterns and the passage of time. Working …

Left: Rosemarie Trockel, Plusquamperfekt, 2017, Digital print on paper on Forex with aluminum frame, 140 x 100 cm, © Rosemarie Trockel, Gladstone64 Gallery Archive. Right: Rosemarie Trockel, Yes where others say no, 2017, Digital print on paper on Forex with aluminum frame, 90 x 90 cm, © Rosemarie Trockel, Gladstone64 Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Rosemarie Trockel

For over 30 years, Rosemarie Trockel has consistently resisted a signature style and her practice ranges from works on paper, “Knitted paintings” …

Amar Kanwar, Such a Morning (Video Still), 2017 , Digital video, color, sound; 85 min., Single channel, looped,Ed. Of 6, © Amar Kanwar, Courtesy the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery -New York, Paris & London

ART CITIES:London-Amar Kanwar

Amar Kanwar is an artist shaped by a commitment to social activism. Born in New Delhi where he lives, he works strictly …

Barbara Kruger

ART CITIES:Berlin-Barbara Kruger

The large, bold artworks of Barbara Kruger assimilate words and images from the deluge of contemporary mass media. Employing media effects and …

Michael Simpson in his studio, Photo Peter Mallet, Courtesy the artist and BlainSouthern

ART CITIES:Berlin-Michael Simpson

For the past three decades Michael Simpson has explored ideas relating to what he describes as “The infamy of religious history”. Rooted …

ART CITIES:N.York-Ad Reinhardt

Adolph Frederick “Ad” Reinhardt was an abstract painter writer, critic, and educator active in New York beginning in the ‘30s and continuing …

Takis, Magnetic Wall - The 4th Dimension, 2015, Painted canvas, magnets, iron wires, 100 x 150 x 6 cm, Photo: Annik Wetter, Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Xippas-Paris

ART CITIES:Paris-Takis

An inventor as much as an artist, an “Intuitive Scientist” as he defines himself, a contemporary avant-garde artist but also a scientific …

Lucio Fontana, Crocifisso (Detail), 1955-57, Polychrome ceramics, 43 x 35,5 x 11 cm, © Fondazione Lucio Fontana, by SIAE 2017, Courtesy Galerie Karsten Greve Cologne/Paris/St Moritz

ART CITIES:Cologne-Lucio Fontanta

One of the most innovative artists of the 20th Century, Lucio Fontana continually challenged the boundaries of art and the role of …

Chen Fei, National Conditions /國情 , 2017, Acrylic on canvas, 200 x 300 cm, Courtesy Perrotin

ART CITIES:Paris-Chen Fei

The work of Chen Fei is part of a new trend in Contemporary Chinese Art that represents a clear thematic as well …

Bosco Sodi, Muro, 2017, Production Image of 1600 clay timbers, Paul Kasmin Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Bosco Sodi

Focusing on material exploration, the creative gesture, and the spiritual connection between the artist and his work, Bosco Sodi seeks to transcend …