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Katinka Bock, Orangerie (weiss) [Detail], 2014, Ceramics, Courtesy the artist and Meyer Riegger

ART CITIES:Malmö-Odradek,Part II

In his short story, “The Cares of a Family Man” (1919), Franz Kafka introduces Odradek as a deliberately undefined protagonist. It is …

Josh Sperling, View of the exhibition “Chasing Rainbow”, Perrotin-Paris, 10/1-24/2/018, © Claire Dorn / Courtesy Perrotin

ART CITIES:Paris-Josh Sperling

JoshSperling’s works on canvas waves between wall sculptures and paintings. Building layered plywood structures by hand, the artist stretches canvas over these …

Left: Hassan Sharif, Nylon Satin Ribbon, 2006, Carboard, cloth, glue, plastic caps, nylon thread, cotton rope, paper and marker, Estate of Hassan Sharif, Courtesy Gb agency Paris and Estate of Hassan Sharif. Right: Henri Jacobs, Journal Drawing 547, 28 June 2011, Spots and dots, Watercolour and self-adhesives on Epson paper

ART CITIES:Malmö-Odradek,Part I

In his short story, “The Cares of a Family Man” (1919), Franz Kafka introduces Odradek as a deliberately undefined protagonist. It is …

Rafael Yossef Herman, Carmel V, 2011, Chromogenic print, 180x270cm, Courtesy Ludwig Museum

ART CITIES:Budapest-Rafael Yossef Herman

Rafael Yossef Hermanis is a revolutionary Israeli-Italian artist working in Paris. His dreamy, landscapes look like they’ve been photographed in the daylight, …

Abraham Cruzvillegas, Autorreconstrucción: Social Tissue, Work in progress, Installation view Kunsthaus Zürich, 2018, Photo: Lena Huber, © Abraham Cruzvillegas

ART CITIES:Zurich-Abraham Cruzvillega

Abraham Cruzvillegas’ artistic process is deeply influenced by his surroundings. Rather than being defined by a particular medium, many of his projects …

Jim Dine, Nancy and I at Ithaca (Straw Heart) 1966-69/1998, Steel, straw, resin, glue, Collection Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art modern, Photo © Ellen Page Wilson, © Adagp, Paris 2017

ART CITIES:Paris-Jim Dine

Pioneer of the happening and associated with the Pop Art Movement, Jim Dine, has always followed a unique path. He experiments extensively …

Judith Hopf, Installation view Stepping Stairs at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Photo: Frank Sperling

ART CITIES:Berlin-Judith Hopf

Since the 1990s, Judith Hopf has mastered an independent artistic language that unswervingly manages to stake out new ground, be it in …

Maria Thereza Alves, Seeds of Change: New York - A Botany Colonization, Exhibition view at Michel Rein Gallery, 2018, Courtesy the artist and Michel Rein-Paris/Brussels, © Florian Kleinefenn

ART CITIES:Paris-Maria Thereza Alves

Maria Thereza Alves’ long-term project “Seeds of Change” started in 2002 and studies settler colonialism, slavery, global migration, and commodification through the …

Axel Kasseböhmer, Meereslandschaft 8, 2003, Oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, Sprüth Magers Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Berlin-Axel Kasseböhmer

Axel Kasseböhmer earned a reputation at the beginning of the 1980’s for his enigmatic paintings that called to mind segments of well-known …

Sheila Hicks

ART CITIES:Paris-Sheila Hicks

Throughout her career, Sheila Hicks has been a groundbreaking artist using textiles and fiber as her material. Her contributions to the art …

Mat Collishaw, All Things Fall, 2014-17, Aluminium, LED Lights, Motor, Plaster, Resin, Steel, 200 x 200 x 200 cm, Courtesy Gary Tatintsian Gallery Gallery and artist’s studio

ART CITIES:Moscow-Mat Collishaw

An important member of the Young British Artists, Mat Collishaw creates works that confronts issues of moral ambiguity with formally stunning and …

Louise Nevelson, Dawn’s Presence – Three, 1975, Wood painted white, 312.4 cm x 322.6 cm x 251.5 cm, © 2017 Estate of Louise Nevelson/Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Louise Nevelson

Louise Nevelson emerged in the art world amidst the dominance of the Abstract Expressionist Movement. In her most iconic works, she utilized …

Francis Alÿs, Beirut Art Center Archive

ART CITIES:Beirut-Francis Alÿs

Francis Alÿs’s personal, ambulatory explorations of cities form the basis for his practice, through which he compiles extensive and varied documentation that …

Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire

ART CITIES:Paris-Openings 25-28/1/18

The exhibition “Tapisseries et estampes” highlights the woven work of Etel Adnan. Large colored tapestries, with sensitive lines, objects of a joint …

Farhad Moshiri, First Snow 010B, 2017, Handembroidered beads on canvas on board, 93 x 117 cm, © Farhad Moshiri, Photo: Ulrich Ghezzi, Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac London/Paris/Salzburg

ART CITIES:Salzburg-Farhad Moshiri

Recognized for his ironic pieces of art that represent hybrids between traditional Iranian forms and those of the globalized pop culture widespread …

Fabio Mauri, Maison d'artiste (Senza Arte), 1991, Iron, wood core plywood, plaster, oil paint, 55 x 78 cm, © Estate Fabio Mauri, Courtesy the Estate and Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:N.York-Fabio Mauri

After the World War II, images filtered into Italy that portrayed, in horrifying detail, the concentration camp victims of Nazi Germany. At …

Sofia Hulten, Mutual Annihilation, 2008, Four-channel video, 85’ 22’, chest of drawers 95 x 73 x50 cm, Berlinische Galerie – Landesmuseum fur Modern Kunst-Fotografie und Architektur, © 2018 Sofia Hulten, ProLitteris-Zurich, Photo: Sofia Hulten

ART CITIES:Zurich-Sofia Hultén

Sofia Hultén’s works start with found objects, unremarkable everyday items or materials from the streets, the world of DIY stores and workshops, …

Glenn Brown, Ain't No Flies on the Lamb of God, 2017, Oil paint on acrylic, fibreglass and stainless steel on bronze base, 219 x 50 x 40 cm left, 235 x 62 x 60 centre, 206 x 60 x 42 cm right, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:London-Glenn Brown

Glenn Brown is known for the use of art historical references in his paintings. Starting with reproductions from other artist’s works, Brown …

Installation view, Shirin Neshat, Tooba, 2002, Photo: Universalmuseum Joanneum/N. Lackner, © Shirin Neshat, Courtesy Gladstone Gallery-New York/Brüssel

ART CITIES:Gratz-Shirin Neshat

Raised in Iran and now living in the U.S.A, Shirin Neshat occupies a central role in the discourse on relations between the …

Alessandro Balteo-Yazbeck, Eames-Derivative (small version), 2006–13, From the series Cultural Diplomacy: An Art We Neglect, In collaboration with Media Farzin, 1242 custom-made slotted cards, silk thread with metal fixtures, 5 framed vintage magazine ads, three narrative wall labels, vinyl wall lettering, glass and wood platform., Installation dimensions variable: Platform: 594 cm long, with the house of cards on top 150 cm high approx., Framed ads: each 54 x 43 cm approximately, Vinyl wall lettering minimum size: 75 x 520 cm, Edition of 6, Green Art Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Dubai-Alessandro Balteo-Yazbeck

Since the mid-90’s Alessandro Balteo-Yazbeck has developed a hybrid practice that incorporates the activities of a researcher, archivist, historian and curator. Working …