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Left: Julian Schnabel, March, 2017, Inkjet print and oil on polyester, 223.5 cm x 172.7 cm, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging No. 67747, © Julian Schnabel / ARS-New York / DACS 2018, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery. Right: Julian Schnabel, May, 2017, Inkjet print and oil on polyester, 223.5 cm x 172.7 cm, Photo: Tom Powel Imaging No. 67748, © Julian Schnabel / ARS-New York / DACS 2018, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Julian Schnabel

The 1960s and 1970s witnessed what has been termed the “dematerialization” of the art object. By contrast, the 1980s were characterized by …

Pedro Gómez-Egaña, The Common Ancestor (Detail), 2018, Installation, © Pedro Gómez-Egaña, Courtesy the artist and Zilberman Gallery-Istanbul/Berlin

ART CITIES:Berlin-Pedro Gómez Egaña

Pedro Gómez-Egaña’s video works and installations engage discourses around historical and contemporary technologies in relation to chronopolitics as well as the politics …

ART CITIES:Luxemburg-Christoph Meier

While the situations staged by Christoph Meier are characterized by an abstract, geometrical formal vocabulary, the objects used appear to represent a …

Exhibition View, Jan Fabre, The Appearance and Disappearance of Antwerp / Bacchus / Christ (2016), Special creations for The State Hermitage Museum, Galerie Templon-Brussels 2018, Photo: © Isabelle Arthuis, Courtesy Galerie Templon-Paris/Brussels

ART CITIES:Brussels-Jan Fabre

For more than 35 years Jan Fabre has been one of the most innovative and important figures on the international contemporary art …

Enrico David, Racket II (Detail), 2017, Jesmonite, patinated steel, 60 1/4 x 30 1/4 x 17 3/4 inches, © Enrico David, Courtesy Blum & Poe Gallery

ART CITIES:Los Angeles -Enrico David

Enrico David’s work encompasses painting, sculpture, textiles and installation with the act of drawing being key to his exploration of form. Mining …

Installation image, Richard Long, EARTH SKY, Houghton Hall, 30 April - 26 October 2017, Photographer and Copyright: Pete Huggins

ART CITIES:London-Richard Long

Richard Long is one of Britain’s leading conceptual artists. His work explores interventions in the landscape, tracking and documenting alterations to the …

Mary Corse

ART CITIES:London-Mary Corse

Mary Corse is associated with the 1960s Light & Space Movement, and is primarily known for her minimalist, monochromatic paintings, which explore …

Dave Muller, Sex & Death & Rock & Roll, Installation view, 2018, Blum & Poe-New York, Photo: Genevieve Hanson, Blum & Poe Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:N.York-Dave Muller

A deejay and musician, Dave Muller maps his ongoing relationship with the past, present, and future of music, using record collections, musical …

Ian Cheng, EMISSARY FORKS AT PERFECTION, 2015, Live simulation and story, infinite duration, colour, sound, Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias-London

ART CITIES:Berlin-Ian Cheng

Ian Cheng explores the nature of mutation and the capacity of humans to relate to change. Drawing on principles of video game …

Josh Smith Eva Presenhuber, New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Josh Smith

Josh Smith first became known in the early 2000s for a series of canvases depicting his own name, a motif that allowed …

Left: Domenico Gnoli, Chair, 1969, Acrylic and sand on canvas, 160 x 160 cm, © Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York/SIAE-Rome, Private Collection, Courtesy Luxembourg & Dayan-New York. Right: Domenico Gnoli, Curl, 1969, Acrylic and sand on canvas, 139 x 120 cm, © Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York/SIAE-Rome, Private Collection, Courtesy Luxembourg & Dayan-New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Domenico Gnoli

Domenico Gnoli was an Italian painter, illustrator and stage designer. Despite the fact that his father, an art critic, first introduced him …

Anselm Kiefer, Uraeus, 2017-18, Lead, stainless steel, 757 x 1120 x 880 cm, © Anselm Kiefer, Photo: Georges Poncet, Courtesy Gagosian, Public Art Fund, and Tishman Speyer

ART CITIES:N.York-Anselm Kiefer

Anselm Kiefer’s monumental body of work represents a microcosm of collective memory, visually encapsulating a broad range of cultural, literary, and philosophical …

Frank Thiel, Damay y Yamay Gómez Hernández, La Habana, Plaza de la Revolución, Nuevo Vedado, 2015, C-print mounted on Alu-Dibond, 231 x 330.5 cm, © Frank Thiel, Blain|Southern Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Berlin-Frank Thiel

You may know Frank Thiel through his photographs of the transformation of Berlin from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. These representations of …

Adam McEwen, Orange Tank (detail), 2017, Inkjet print on cellulose sponge and graphite, 218.4 × 165.1 cm, © Adam McEwen, Photo Adam McEwen, Gagosian Gallery Archive

ART CITIES:Beverly Hills-Adam McEwen

Adam McEwen’s work resides somewhere between the celebratory and funereal. After writing obituaries for the Daily Telegraph in London, he began producing …

Left: Beatriz Milhazes, Coqueiral em marrom e azul celeste, 2017, Acrylic on, 279 x 189.5 cm, © Beatriz Milhazes. Photo: © Pepe Schettino, Courtesy White Cube. Right: Beatriz Milhazes, Sonho Tropical, 2017, Acrylic on canvas, 270 x 240.5 cm, © Beatriz Milhazes. Photo: © Pepe Schettino, Courtesy White Cube

ART CITIES:London-Beatriz Milhazes

The Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes fuses modernist styles of painting with the emblems of her cultural heritage. Her abstract compositions are typically …

Alex Mirutziu, Where is the poem, 2013- , HD video 9’ 49” and framed C-prints, Courtesy the artist

ART CITIES:London-Alex Mirutziu

Alex Mirutziu is a Romanian artist whose practice extends over a wide range of media and activities, including: writing, photography, media-critical video …