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Mario Merz, Spostamenti della terra e della luna su un asse, 2003, Installation view Fondazione Merz-Turin, 2011, Courtesy Fondazione Merz-Turin Photo: © Paolo Pellion, © Mario Merz, by SIAE 2018

ART CITIES:Milan-Mario Merz

Mario Merz started constructing igloos in 1968 and developed the idea thereafter, creating increasingly bigger and often structurally more complicated igloos. In …

Sophie Calle, Le lit, 2018, Color photograph, embroidered woolen cloth, framing 36 × 46 cm, © Sophie Calle / ADAGP-Paris 2018, Photo: Claire Dorn / Courtesy Perrotin Parce que je me suis toujours demandé qui en avait la garde après un divorce ? Celui qui souffre ? Parce que je quitte une maison que j’occupe depuis cinquante ans et qu’il en était le personnage principal Parce qu’il est en béton Parce que je ne laisse que lui derrière moi

ART CITIES:Paris-Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle’s work is distinguished by its use of arbitrary sets of constraints, and evokes the French literary movement of the 1960s …

Forensic Oceanography and Forensic Architecture, The Iuventa,18 June 2017, 2018. By motion tracking the clouds from a continuous video taken at sea, Forensic Architecture reconstructed a 360º view of the rescue scene in the central Mediterranean and located vessels observed on the horizon. Image: Forensic Oceanography and Forensic Architecture, 2018

ART CITIES:Utrecht-Forensic Justice

In 2010, Eyal Weizman created the Forensic Architecture (FA) research agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London. Forensic Architecture brings together archives …

Joel Shapiro, Untitled, 2016, Bronze and painted wood, 63.5 x 53.3 x 58.4 cm, ©2018 Joel Shapiro / Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Karsten Greve

ART CITIES:Paris-Joel Shapiro

Born in 1941, Joel Shapiro is a famous Minimalist artist renowned for his frequently anthropomorphic monumental bronze sculptures, he endlessly probes the …

Anri Sala, Slip of the Line, 2018, Single channel YHD video and sound installation, Duration 9’ 47’’, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Chantal Criusel-Paris

ART CITIES:Paris-Anri Sala

Anri Sala’s works of film, sculpture and installation create poetic analogies that reflect on life and culture from different frames of experience. …

Haegue Yang, Carsick Drawing – Toward Huu Nghi and Youyiguan #1, 2016, Ink on paper, framed, 28 x 21.5 cm, Courtesy of the artist, Photo: Studio Haegue Yang

ART CITIES:Montpellier-Haegue Yang

In her work, Haegue Yang seeks to communicate without language, in a primordial and visual way. She often complements her vocabulary of …

Praz Delavallade

ART CITIES:Paris-Openings 13-19/10/18

By re-appropriating and working with ordinary objects, Pierre Ardouvin’s artistic research questions such notions as authenticity and illusion. As he recycles and …

Charles White, Sound of Silence, 1978, Printed by David Panosh, Published by Hand Graphics Ltd, Color lithograph on paper, 63.8 × 89.7 cm, The Art Institute of Chicago. Margaret Fisher Fund, © 1978 The Charles White Archives

ART CITIES:N.York-Charles White

Charles White powerfully interpreted African American history, culture, and lives over the course of his four-decade career. A superbly gifted draftsman and …

Richard Jackson, Rennie 101, 2009‐2010, Acrylic on canvas on wall. 304.8 x 1005.8 cm, Courtesy: Rennie Collection. Photo: Site Photography

ART CITIES:Paris-Richard Jackson

In the early 1960s, at a time when Abstract Expressionism was established as the major American Art Movement, Richard Jackson decided to …

Tania Bruguera, Hyundai Comission, Turbine Hall, Tate Modern, 2018, Photo: Andrew Dunkley, © & Courtesy Tate, 2018

ART CITIES:London-Tania Bruguera

Tania Bruguera, a politically motivated performance artist, explores the relationship between art, activism, and social change in works that examine the social …

Tatiana Trouvé, The Shaman (Detail), 2018, Patinated bronze, marble, concrete, steel, water, Variable dimensions, Photo : archives kamel mennour, © Tatiana Trouvé—ADAGP-Paris, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour Paris/London

ART CITIES:London-Tatiana Trouvé

In her work, Tatiana Trouvé explores the relations between time and space by constructing enigmatic environments founded on logical, architectural, and material …

Sean Scully, What Makes Us Too, 2017, © Sean Scully, Courtesy of the artist and BlainSouthern, Photo: Peter Mallet

ART CITIES:London-Sean Scully

Born in Dublin in 1945, Sean Scully has gained international prominence as one of the most admired contemporary abstract painters working today. …

Left & Right: Adam Pendleton, Our Ideas #2 (Detail), 2018, Silkscreen ink on Mylar, Thirty-two (32) parts: overall dimensions variable, Sheet: 96.52 × 73.66 cm each, Framed: 102.55 × 79.69 cm each, © Adam Pendleton, Courtesy Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Adam Pendleton

Adam Pendleton’s is a conceptual artist known for his multi-disciplinary practice in an array of different media, from collage to painting to …

Robert Irwin, Mint Condition, 2015, Light + Shadow + Reflection + Color, 182,9 x 440,1 x 10,8 cm, Photo: © 2015, Philipp Scholz Rittermann, Photo courtesy Sprüth Magers

ART CITIES:Berlin-Robert Irwin

For over 60 years, Robert Irwin has explored perception as the fundamental issue of art. Irwin, who began his career as a …

Chris Burden, Porsche with Meteorite, 2013, Restored 1974 Porsche 914, 390 pound meteorite, steel structure, © 2018 Chris Burden / licensed by The Chris Burden Estate and Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York, Courtesy Gagosian

ART CITIES:London-Chris Burden

More than any other American artist, Chris Burden pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in art, forcing viewers and critics to …

Exhibition view: Joyce J. Scott-What Next and Why Not, Peter Blum Gallery, 2018, Courtesy the artist and Peter Blum Gallery-New York

ART CITIES:N-York Joyce J. Scott

Joyce J. Scott is a printmaker, weaver, sculptor, performance artist, and educator, but she is probably most well known for her work …

Vik Muniz, Messed up Colored Chart, 2018, Handmade series, Mixed media, 114 x 156 cm (framed), Unique, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Xippas

ART CITIES:Paris-Vik Muniz

Brazil’s leading artist on the international art scene, Vik Muniz is a multi-talented artist who most often works in 3-D materials to …

Left: Adam Saks, Hidden Path III, 2018, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm, © Adam Saks, Courtesy the artist and Meliksetian|Briggs Gallery. Right: Adam Saks, Hidden Path II, 2018, Oil on canvas, 180 x 150 cm, © Adam Saks, Courtesy the artist and Meliksetian|Briggs Gallery

ART CITIES:Los Angeles-Adam Saks

Adam Saks belongs to the early-2000s generation of painters who pull freely from various artistic sources. He is known for picking his …