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ART CITIES:Paris, Openings 7-9/3/19

Combining the laboratory and the studio, chemical experiments and performances, Hicham Berrada creates a personal universe that plays on the codes and …

View of the exhibition « Activations », kamel mennour (6 rue du Pont de Lodi), Paris, 2019, © ADAGP Hicham Berrada, Photo: archives kamel mennour, Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour-Paris/London

ART CITIES:Paris-Hicham Berrada

Strongly influenced by his background as both an artist and a scientist, Hicham Berrada combines intuition and knowledge, science and poetry. He …

Rakka / astor, falsified - study for exhibition new works - 2018, Charcoal on paper

ART CITIES:Brussels-Edgar Sarin

Edgar Sarin caught the eye of the public and art professionals right from the start thanks to his “Lifetime Concessions”, sealed artworks …

Shusaku Arakawa, Textures of Time, 1977, acrylic, pencil and art marker on canvas, framed, 175.3 x 262.9 cm, © Estate of Madeline Gins, Reproduced with the permission of the Estate of Madeline Gins, Photo Rob McKeever

ART CITIES:N.York-Shusaku Arakawa

Renowned for his paintings, drawings, and prints, as well as his innovative architectural constructions, Shusaku Arakawa was one of the earliest practitioners …

Rana Begun

ART CITIES:Dubai-Rana Begun

Lodged between Op Art and Minimalism, Rana Begum’s works draw their inspiration from repetitive geometric patterns found within Islamic art and urban …

Jim Shaw, The Potato Family (Detail), 2018, Acrylic on canvas, 129.5 x 101.6 cm, © Jim Shaw, Courtesy the artist and Metro Pictures-New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Jim Shaw

The practice of Jim Shaw spans a wide range of artistic media and visual imagery. Since the 1970s, Shaw has mined the …

Christiane Löhr, Gelbes Pentagon (yellow pentagon), 2017, Plant stalks, 12,5 x 25 x 23 cm, PHoto: David Ertl, © Christiane Löhr, Courtesy the artist and Bernier/Eliades Gallery

ART CITIES:Athens-Christiane Löhr

Christiane Löhr’s. work is quintessentially ecological and eco-sustainable, for it uses strictly natural, and thus fully biodegradable, materials which are gathered according …

Left: Lee Ufan, Relatum - The Shadow of the Stars, 2014, Steel, 7 stones and gravel of white marble, 200 x 4500 x 4000 cm, View of the exhibition “Lee Ufan Versailles”, Château de Versailles, 2014, Photo. archives Kamel Mennour, Courtesy the artist, Kamel Mennour-Paris/London and Pace-New York, © Adagp, Paris, 2018. Right: Lee Ufan, Dialogue, 2010, Installation at the Lee Ufan Museum in Naoshima, Mural, Space on the ground, 720 x 900 cm 330 cm (minimum height), 360 cm (maximum height), Courtesy the artist and Kamel Mennour-Paris / London, © Adagp, Paris, 2018

ART CITIES:Metz-Lee Ufan

The retrospective “Inhabiting Time” presents the work of artist-philosopher, Lee Ufan, charting his creation of a visual, conceptual, and theoretical terrain that …

Takashi Murakami, Qinghua (detail), 2019, Acrylic on canvas mounted on aluminium frame, 240 x 1785.6 cm, © Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki co. Ltd, All rights reserved, Photo: Josh White

ART CITIES:Los Angeles -Takashi Murakami

Drawing from traditional Japanese painting, sci-fi, anime, and pop culture, Takashi Murakami’s oeuvre comprises paintings, sculptures, films, and a stream of commercial …

View of installation at the studio. Courtesy Theaster Gates. Photo: Chris Strong

ART CITIES:Paris-Theaster Gates

Encompassing sculpture, painting, ceramics, video, performance, and music, the practice of Theaster Gates both derives from and sustains ambitious urban renewal projects, …

Penny Slinger, The Uninvited Guest, 1970-1977, Photo collage, 12 1/2 x 18 1/2 inches, © Penny Slinger, Courtesy the artist Fortnight Institute and Blum & Poe-Los Angelew/New York

ART CITIES:N.York-Penny Slinger

On the wave of feminism, Penny Slinger started producing highly radical works which embraced not only the spirit of the time, but …

Tamara Fedorova, Lion, 1960s -1970s, Celluloid and plastic © Köpcke and Weinhold


During the Tsarist era, Russia had no toy industry of its own. Those who could afford it spoiled their children with dolls …

Judith Scott, Untitled, o. J., Wool and found objects, abcd / Bruno Decharme Collectionm © Creative Growth Art Center, Photo © César Decharme

ART CITIES:Vienna-Flying High

The discourse on Art Brut has gained extra dimensions in recent years. The term Art Brut now goes beyond an exclusive focus …

Wreck of the steamship Città di Milano, Filicudi. Photo: Global Underwater Explorers

ART CITIES:Milan-Giorgio Andreotta Calò

Giorgio Andreotta Calò represented Italy at the 57th Venice Biennale (2017). His works include sculptures, large-scale site-specific installations and spatial works that …

Left: Serena Fineschi, Ingannare l’Attesa (Verde Veronese), 2019, green Bic Cristal pen, 156 x 111 cm (with frame), © Serena Fineschi, Courtesy the artist and Marignana Arte. Right: Serena Fineschi, Ingannare l’Attesa (Rosso Tiziano), 2019, red Bic Cristal pen, 156 x 111 cm (with frame), © Serena Fineschi, Courtesy the artist and Marignana Arte

ART CITIES:Venice-Stanze

The exhibition “Stanze” is a project in three spaces involving six artists: two for every space of Marignana Arte Gallery in Venice. …