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Tetsuya Ishida, Search, 2001, Acrylic on canvas, 112.1 x 162.1 cm, the DAI-ICHI Life Insurance Limited, © Tetsuya Ishida, Photo: Takemi Art Photos, Curtesy Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co, Ltd

ART CITIES:Madrid-Tetsuya Ishida

Tetsuya Ishida came of age as a painter during Japan’s “lost decade”, a time of nationwide economic recession that lasted through the …

Left: Rónai Moscow, DADA, 1986, Serigraphy 65 x 50 cm, Courtesy the artist. Right: Rudolf Sikora, Exclamation Mark VI, 1974, Ofset, paper, 69 x 43,7 cm, Courtesy the artist


The arrival of conceptual art in the early 1970s was associated with the shift of interest from aesthetic and material qualities of …

Paola Pivi, Untitled (donkey), 2003, Inkjet print on PVC, 1020 x 1230 cm, Photo Hugo Glendinning, Courtesy Massimo De Carlo-Milan/London/Hong Kong

ART CITIES:Rome Paola-Pivi

Paola Pivi’s works are authentic experiences of wonder, enterprises that mould and personalise the context surrounding them, transforming it into a pure …

Peter Doig, Lion in the Road (Sailors), 2019, installation view Secession 2019, photo: Hannes Böck, Courtesy the artist and Michael Werner Gallery, New York and London / Bildrecht Vienna, 2019

ART CITIES:Vienna-Peter Doig

Peter Doig paints representational pictures as though they were abstractions. His spellbinding works combine planar forms and a palette that is as …

Hito Steyerl, Power Plants Installation view, 11/4-6/5/19, Serpentine Galleries Design by Ayham Ghraowi, Developed by Ivaylo Getov, Courtesy of the Artist, Andrew Kreps Gallery (New York) and Esther Schipper Gallery (Berlin), Photo: © 2019

ART CITIES:London-Hito Steyerl

Hito Steyerl is a filmmaker, visual artist, writer and innovator of the documentary essay film. Drawing upon topics such as media, technology …

Jake & Dinos Chapman, Sex I, 2003, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2019, Courtesy the artists & Blain|Southern


The idea of the “afterlife” has gripped mankind since the beginning of time. Religious promises of salvation, manifested psychosis, and ominous memento …

Tobias Rehberger, Yourself is sometimes a place to call your own, 2018, Cafeteria and exhibition space including 2 neon signs, table and benches, 425 × 877 × 250 cm, © Tobias Rehberger, Courtesy of the artist, the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan and neugerriemschneider-Berlin

ART CITIES:Shanghai-Tobias Rehberger

Tobias Rehberger is an artist whose work is characterized by transformation, serendipity, collaboration and shared experience. His work in large-scale often takes …

Donald Judd, Untitled (Detail), 1988, Clear anodized aluminium and blue acrylic sheets, 2 units, Each 50 x 100 x 50 cm, © Judd Foundation / Adagp, Paris, 2019, Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac-London/Paris/Salzburg , Photo: Thomas Lannes

ART CITIES:Paris-Donald Judd

Donald Judd preferred to describe his style and oeuvre as “the simple expression of complex thinking”. To Judd, his works, which he …

Rodrigo Matheus, Valeur Instable, 2018, Documents, threads and pins, 122 x 180 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Nathalie Obadia-Paris/Brussels, Photo: Bertrand Huet

ART CITIES:Paris-Rodrigo Matheus

Born in 1974, the Brazilian artist Rodrigo Matheus is one of the most promising artists of his generation. His work revolves around …

Brice Marden, Helen’s Moroccan Painting, 1980 Oil and wax on canvas, 175.3 × 114.3 cm, © 2019 Brice Marden/Artists Rights Society (ARS)-New York

ART CITIES:Paris-Brice Marden

Since beginning his career in the 1960s, Brice Marden living and working in different locations (New York City; Tivoli, New York; Hydra, …

Sheela Gowda , And that is no lie (Detail), 2015, Installation view: Pérez Art Museum Miami, 2015–16, Courtesy the artist and Pérez Art Museum Miami. Photo: Oriol Tarridas

ART CITIES:Milan-Sheela Gowda

Sheela Gowda is an artist living and working in Bangalore, India. She began painting in her early career but started to make …

Guy Yanai, Normandie, 2019, Oil on canvas, 150 x 180 cm, © Guy Yanai, Courtesy the artist and Praz-Delavallade Gallery

ART CITIES:Paris-Guy Yanai

Guy Yanai’s paintings are characterized by bold colors, simplified shapes, and a shallow depth of field. He often chooses everyday objects and …

Shara Hughes, Tippy Tippy Toe, 2018, Oil, dye and acrylic on canvas, 147.5 x 127 cm, © Shara Hughes, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Eva Presenhuber

ART CITIES:Beijing-Shara Hughes

Working at the boundary between abstraction and representation, Shara Hughes’ approach blends memory, association and imagination to encourage new ways of exploring …

XU ZHEN®, Under Heaven-Gold-0102MQ1809, (Detail), 2016-2018, Oil on canvas, gold foil, aluminium, 160 × 130 cm, Courtesy the Artist and Perrotin

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Xu Zhen®

XU ZHEN®’s provocative aesthetics relies on both conceptual and pop strategies. He first undertook behavioral and cultural experiments as an autonomous artist …

Joan Jonas, Moving Off the Land, 2016/2018, Cowell Theater, Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture-San Francisco, 2019, © Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture/Justine Elephant

ART CITIES:Venice-Joan Jonas

A pioneer of performance and video art, Joan Jonas works in video, installation, sculpture, and drawing, often collaborating with musicians and dancers …

John Cage, Ryoanji Temple, 1962

ART CITIES:Salzburg-John Cage

Widely considered as the most influential composer of our time, John Cage’s inventive and unorthodox approach revolutionised contemporary music and his influence …