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The Octogonal Mirror Room, from La Menesunda, 1965 (detail). Installation view: “La Menesunda según Marta Minujín” [La Menesunda according to Marta Minujín], Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, 2015. Courtesy Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires. Photo: Agustina Vizcarra

ART CITIES:N.York-Marta Minujín

Over the past 60 years, the epoch-defining Marta Minujín has developed happenings, performances, installations, and video works that have greatly influenced generations …

Monica Bonvicini, Hy$teria, 2019, Photo: Roman März, © Monica Bonvicini and Bildrecht Wien

ART CITIES:Vienna-Monica Bonvicini

Since the mid-1990s Monica Bonvicini has been exploring political, social and institutional situations and their impact on society as well as on …

Alex Katz, Red Dancer 8, 2018, Oil on linen, 91,4 x 274,3 cm, Photo: Paul Takeuchi, © Alex Katz / Adagp, Paris

ART CITIES:Paris-Alex Katz

Although Alex Katz belongs to the Pop generation of Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, it was not until the 1970s …

Maria Lai, Untitled, 1991, Thread, cloth, tempera, 17 x 19 x 2,5 cm, M77 Gallery-Milano, Photo: Lorenzo Palmieri, Courtesy M77 Gallery e Archivio Maria Lai, © Archivio Maria Lai by SIAE 2019

ART CITIES:Rome-Maria Lai

Maria Lai is without doubt one of the leading figures in the history of contemporary Italian art. Not only on account of …

Jeff Wall, An Eviction, 1988/2004, Transparency in lightbox, 229 × 414 cm, Courtesy the artist

ART CITIES:Athens-Jeff Wall

As a major art figure in recent decades, Jeff Wall has developed a body of work that has profoundly changed the way …

Christian Boltanski, Prendre la parole 2005, Woodboards, coats, lamps and sound boxes / Collection of the artist. © Christian Boltanski / ADAGP, Paris, 2019, © MACs_Grand Hornu-Belgique, Photo : Philippe De Gobert

ART CITIES:Tokyo-Christian Boltanski

Christian Boltanski is a leading figure in contemporary art, considered as France’s most influential living artist. Since 1967, he has developed an …

Shahpour Pouyan, After examining the logbook, the doctors assume they are dealing with the plague, Exhibition view, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, 2019, , Courtesy the artist and Galerie Nathalie Obadia

ART CITIES:Paris-Shahpour Pouyan

Shahpour Pouyan’s work is a commentary about power, domination and possession through the force of culture. His interest lies in singling out …

Geumhyung Jeong, installation view, Homemade RC Toy, Kunsthalle Basel, 2019. Photo: Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel

ART CITIES:Basel-Geumhyung Jeong

In her practice as choreographer, dancer and performer Geumhyung Jeong constantly renegotiates the relationship between the human body and the objects that …

Oscar Murillo , (untitled) news, 2017-2018, Oil and oil stick on canvas and linen, © Oscar Murillo, Courtesy the artist and David Zwirner

ART CITIES:London-Oscar Murillo

Born in Colombia and based in various locations, Oscar Murillo is known for an inventive and itinerant practice that encompasses paintings, works …

Senga Nengudi, RSVP (performance still), 2013, Activated by Maren Hassinger, Photo: Nisa Ojalvo, Courtesy the Grey Art Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Senga Nengudi

The work of Senga Nengudi has been at the forefront of sculptural, performative, and photographic practices for over forty years. After studying …

Anibal Brizuela, untitle, 2005, Ballpoint pen on paper, 32.41 x 47.5 cm, Courtesy Christian Berst Art Brut

ART CITIES:Paris-Anibal Brizuela

Aníbal Brizuela recently died in Argentina, at the age of 84, after spending more than half a century at the Colonia d’Oliveros …

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, How to Meet an Angel. Facade of Mentrum Clinic, Amsterdam, 2009, Photo: Emilia Kabakov, Courtesy the artists

ART CITIES:Moscow-Ilya & Emilia Kabakov

The most recognizable Russian contemporary artists on the international scene, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov are known for their paintings, objects, albums, books, …

Rebecca Horn, Pencil Mask, 1973 (Filmstill), 16 mm (digitised), color, sound, Rebecca Hom Collection, © 2019: Rebecca Hom/ProLitteris-Zurich

ART CITIES:Basel-Rebecca Horn

In her oeuvre Rebecca Horn has developed a distinctive symbolic universe whose openness and poetry continues to touch us. In her works, …

Allora & Calzadilla, Under Discussion (Video Still), 2005, Single-channel color video with sound, 6’ 14”, © Allora & Calzadilla, Courtesy the artists and Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

ART CITIES:Moscow-Allora & Calzadilla

Through a complex research-oriented practice, Allora & Calzadilla critically address the intersections and complicities between the cultural, the historical and the geopolitical. …

Rudolf Stingel, Untitled, Oil on canvas, 127 x 127 cm, © Rudolf Stingel, Photo: Christopher Burke Studio, Courtesy the artist and Fondation Beyeler

ART CITIES:Basel-Rudolf Stingel

In 1989, to coincide with his first exhibition at Massimo de Carlo, Rudolf Stingel published “Instructions”, a book that functioned as an …