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Farah Atassi, Still Life with juggling Rings, 2019, Oil and glycerol on canvas, 130 x 162 cm, © Farah Atassi, Still, Courtesy the artist and Almine Rech Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York-Farah Atassi

Born in Belgium from Syrian parents and raised in France, Farah Atassi combines various cultural legacies and formal approaches in the medium …

Zak Ové, The Invisible Man and the Masque of Blackness, 2016, Installation view, Yorkshire Sculpture Park-Yorkshire, UK, 2016–17, © Zak Ové, Courtesy Modern Forms, Vigo gallery, the artist and YSP, Photo: Jonty Wilde

ART CITIES:Los Angeles-Zak Ové

Zak Ové is a London based multi-disciplinary artist working in film, sculpture and photography to reclaim old world mythologies in new world …

Justin Mortimer, Breed 2, 2018, Oil and acrylic on canvas. 185 × 211 cm, © Justin Mortimer, Courtesy the artist and Parafin Gallery

ART CITIES:London-Justin Mortimer

Justin Mortimer’s paintings consistently invite us to question the relationship between subject matter and content, beauty and horror, and between figuration and …

Joana Vasconcelos, Lilicoptère, 2012, Bell 47 helicopter, ostrich feathers, Swarovski crystals, gold leaf, industrial paint, fine gold-tinted leather upholstery, Arraiolos carpets, walnut wood, decorative imitation wood painting and trimmings, 300 x 1265 x 274 cm, Private Collection, Work produced in collaboration with, Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silvz-Lisbon

ART CITIES:Rotterdam-Joana Vasconcelos

Through the construction of light-hearted yet strikingly direct images that refer to socio-political issues relevant to post-colonial, globalized and consumerist societies, Joana …

Installation view: Takashi Murakami, Murakami vs Murakami, Tai Kwun Contemporary-Hong Kong, 2019, Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Takashi Murakami

Drawing from traditional Japanese painting, sci-fi, anime, and the global art market, Takashi Murakami creates paintings, sculptures, and films populated by repeated …

Left: Kohei Nawa, PixCell-Fallow Deer#2, 2015, Mixed media, 145.4 x 125 x 125 cm, © Kohei Nawa, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery. Right: Kohei Nawa, PixCell-DoubleDeer#11, 2018, Mixed media, 148.2 x 85.4 x 64.3 cm, © Kohei Nawa, Courtesy the artist and Pace Gallery

ART CITIES:Hong Kong-Kohei Nawa

Moving fluidly between media, Kohei Nawa’s work explores issues of science and digital culture and examines the relationship between nature and artificiality, …

Omar Ba, Promenade masquée 1 [Masked Promenade 1], 2016, Acrylic, gouache, oil and pencil on canvas, JMD Collection-Hong Kong. Image courtesy Galerie Templon-Paris/Bruxelles, Photo: B. Huet / Tutti, © Omar Ba, Courtesy of the artist and Hales Gallery

ART CITIES:Montreal-Omar Ba

Born in 1977 in Senegal, Omar Ba lives and works in Dakar and Geneva. His paintings, produced using a variety of techniques …

Wu Tsang, Into a Space of Love (2018), video still. Single-channel 2K video with stereo sound. 26 minutes. Courtesy of Frieze and GUCCI

ART CITIES:Copenhagen-Wu Tsang

Wu Tsang is an award-winning filmmaker and visual artist who combines documentary and narrative techniques with fantastical detours into the imaginary in …

Julie Becker. Researchers, Residents, A Place to Rest (detail). 1993-1996. Mixed-media installation. Dimensions variable. Installation view, Julie Becker: I must create a Master Piece to pay the Rent, The Institute of Contemporary Arts-London, 2018. Courtesy Greene Naftali-New York, ICA-London, and MOCA-Los Angeles. Photo: Mark Blower

ART CITIES:N.York-Julie Becker

Since the 1990s, Julie Becker’s (1972-2016) multimedia practice has activated vacant interior scenes with psychological resonance. Working in drawing, video, photography and …

Raymond Depardon, Le chêne de Venon, Isère, France, 2019

ART CITIES:Paris-Trees

Bringing together a community of artists, botanists, and philosophers, the exhibition “Trees” echoes the latest scientific research that sheds new light on …

Elaine Byrne, Fortified Boundaries IV, 2018, Ultra-Chrome HDR pigment inks and UV protective spray on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl paper, Courtesy of the artist and Kevin Kavanaugh Gallery-Dublin

ART CITIES:N.York-The Watchers

Derived from the French word “surveiller”, meaning “to keep watch” or “to watch over”, the surveillance camera has been used to police …

Max Colby, Hotbed I, 2018, Crystal and plastic beads, sequins, found fabric, trim, costume jewelry, polyester batting, and thread, 14 x 14 x 17 inches, © Max Colby, Courtesy the artist and Jane Lombard Gallery

ART CITIES:N.York:A Body of Work

The group exhibition “A Body of Work” features drawing, collage, and sculpture by six artists: Julia Brandão, Max Colby, Margaux Crump, Anneli …

Anthony Pearson, Untitled (Embedment) [detail], 2018, Canvas-embedded, pigmented hydrocal in enamel-finished aluminum frame, 146.1 x 55.2 x 5.1 cm, © Anthony Pearson, Courtesy the artist and Marianne Boesky Gallery

ART CITIES:Aspen-Anthony Pearson

Anthony Pearson occupies a quietly antithetical position in a contemporary cultural landscape characterized by visual noise and short attention spans. An exploration …

Paolo Scheggi, Maquette for the ‘Plastic Interchamber’, 1966, Sheets of curved, punched wood painted yellow, 52.5 × 86 × 66 cm, Franca and Cosima Scheggi Collection-Milan

ART CITIES:London-Paolo Scheggi

Born in Florence in 1940, died very young in Rome in 1971, within a “long” decade (1958-1971) the research of Paolo Scheggi …

© Shara Hughes

ART ISLANDS:Antiparos Shara-Hughes

Shara Hughes makes paintings that are decidedly contemporary, and yet the artificial landscapes that she conjures evoke comparisons to a multitude of …

Arthur Jafa, Mickey Mouse was a Scorpio, 2016 Wallpaper, © Arthur Jafa, Courtesy the artist and Gavin Brown’s enterprise-New York/Rome

ART CITIES:Stockholm-Arthur Jafa

Over the past 30-years, Arthur Jafa, has developed a dynamic and multidisciplinary career that is centred upon questions of identity and race. …

Mika Rottenberg, Cosmic Generator, 2017 (Video Still). Video, sound, color; 26:37 min, © Mika Rottenberg. Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth

ART CITIES:N.York-Mika Rottenberg

Exploring the seduction, magic, and desperation of our hyper-capitalist, globally-connected reality, Mika Rottenberg’s elaborate visual narratives draw on cinematic and sculptural traditions …

Installation view: Douglas Gordon, The anatomy of my desire, Galerie Kamel Mennour (47 rue Saint André des Arts & 6 rue du Pont de Lodi), Paris, 2019, © Studio lost but found / Douglas Gordon / VG Bild Kunst, Bonn, 2019, Photo. archives kamel mennour, Courtesy kamel mennour-Paris/London

ART CITIES:Paris,Douglas Gordon

Working across mediums and disciplines, Douglas Gordon investigates moral and ethical questions, mental and physical states, as well as collective memory and …